chapter 3 invisible

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AJ watched as Paige talked to her friends, Emma and Summer, across the catering. AJ didn't know why she was paying more attention to Paige. Why she was suddenly so fascinated by Paige.

AJ could see the small smile on Paige's face, but she could also see the sadness in her eyes. She wondered how long had there been sadness in her eyes, and how did she miss it before. She wondered if anyone else saw it.

Paige's eyes shifted around the room, and her eyes connected with AJ's, who was staring. Paige's smile fell off her face, staring back. She blinked a few times and looked to the table. She told Emma and Summer that she had to go. Paige looked at AJ, and walked the opposite direction. Ready for her match against Natalya.

AJ sighed, not sure why Paige ignoring her was bothering her so much. She sighed and walked the other direction, ready to get her segment ready. She was going to cost Paige the match, again.

PAIGE rubbed her face. Her phone was vibrating next to her. She looked down and saw the name she was trying to ignore. She stood up and walked towards the door.

She had lost her match, again. She didn't really care. She was just tired. She sighed and placed her face in her hands, trying to get her mind off of things.

She heard the door open and she looked up. In came Emma, and Paige let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. For a second she thought it was AJ, and didn't want to talk to her.

Emma was the only person, other than Seth, that knew a little about what had happened. And because of that, they knew her, emotionally. They were the closest friends she had.

Paige gave Emma a smile before looking to the ground. Emma moved near her and looked at her. "How are you doing?"

"Good. I keep losing my matches, but hey, it's part of the job," Paige answered, trying to make her voice happy. She looked at Paige and gave her a smile.

"Paige," Emma scolded, sitting down to her.

"It's almost a year, since you know. It's just hitting me, you know?"

Emma nodded. She wrapped her arm on Paige's shoulders, and pulled her close. "You got through it, you can get past it again. It just proves that you're stronger. And if you ever want to talk about what happened, I'm here. I'll always be here."

Paige smiled and nodded. "I know. Thank you."

Emma just smiled and held her close.

AJ frowned. She knew it was wrong, but it wasn't her fault they were talking about whatever they were talking about in public. She wondered what Paige was talking about, what had happened a year ago. She heard them stand up and walk away. She heard the door opened and then they walked out.

AJ walked out of her hiding place and stared at the door.

Maybe there was more to Paige than she thought. Maybe there was more behind that smile.

Turned around and got her stuff, ready to go home. She wouldn't need to think about Paige for the next few days.

PAIGE tensed while AJ wrapped her arms around her. They were doing their promo for Raw. Paige had just pinned Natalya. AJ had gone to the ring, which helped Natalya when she attacked Paige. AJ talked while Paige stood up. Which led to the hug. AJ later grabbed her hand and kissed it, grinning. Paige pulled her hand away, staring at her.

AJ left first, then Paige left the ring. Once she walked passed the gorillas, AJ was there. Paige just started to walk the other direction. She could hear AJ shouting her name, but Paige ignored her. She was trying to do what AJ wished, and trying to stay out of her life, but AJ was making it hard. Why wasn't AJ doing what she wanted?

Paige smiled when she saw Seth and Emma. They were in a corner, talking to each other. They were close friends, and it wasn't uncommon for them to be talking about random things together.

Paige smiled and walked away. She wasn't going to bother them. She walked towards the opposite direction. She wanted to shower and get her things ready to go home.

AJ watched her as she stared at Seth and Emma. She wondered how long Paige was broken. Because she was. She rushed forward and grabbed Paige's elbow, stopping her.

The Brit turned around and looked at AJ. She let out a sigh. "What?"

"Look, about that phone call-"

Paige put her hands up, stopping AJ mid-sentence. "I told you I'd stay away from you. I am, why can't you just do the same?"

AJ sighed. "I was drunk, I didn't mean it."

Paige gave her a small smile. She shook her head. "I think you did. Yeah, you were drunk, but people say you are honest when you are drunk. So, I think you meant what you said. And it's fine. You finally said what you wanted, you got what you wanted, even if you said it while you were drunk."

"I don't want that."

Paige laughed. "Make up you mind. Do you want me around of not?"

AJ opened her mouth but nothing came out. She didn't know what she wanted herself. And it seemed to give Paige the answer she needed.

Paige just shook her head, "I'll make the decision for you. Stay away, it was what you wanted." And with that, she turned away.

"No, Paige, I don't want that!"

Paige took a deep breath. "Look, I'll work with you and all. But there is nothing else, okay? You do want this. So just let it happen. I'll see you Smackdown."

Paige walked away and left AJ alone. AJ sighed and rubbed her face.

She knew that she saw Paige, a different Paige. And it was drawing her in. She wanted to know, and it was making her regret that phone call.

She sighed and walked away.

EMMA DASHWOOD was staring AJ and Paige. She could see that Paige looked tensed. Emma glared at AJ. She still remembered parts of the phone call. She had caught Paige listening to it one day.

Emma had respect for AJ, she did, but after listening to the voicemail, she lost that respect. She had lost everything from Emma, and from Paige.

Seth placed his hand on the back of her neck. "What are you thinking about?"

"What's going on between Paige and AJ?"

Seth shrugged. "Nothing that I know of."

"I don't trust her. I don't want Paige to get hurt, not again."

"You're an amazing friend. But you got nothing to worry about, trust me."

Emma smiled and nodded. "I do, trust you. I know she has both of us looking after her."

"WELL, that's what you do, ruin lives. I'm surprised that you even have friends. You couldn't pay me to be your friend, so stop trying to be. God, you are so annoying."

Paige ended the voicemail. She didn't know why she was listening to it once again. Maybe it was true. Maybe she did like pain. There was nothing else she knew, right?

Paige placed her phone on her nightstand, and got her bed ready. Emma and Summer wanted to hang out, but she was not in the mood to hang out with anyone.

Unknown to her, AJ, who was staying down the hall, had dialed her number.

wwe (Paige and aj Lee ) fireproof Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum