chapter 12 Hallow

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THE night started with Dolph Ziggler and Cesar.

Paige and AJ were getting ready for the match. They got dressed and talked to their friends. There wasn't much they thought about.

Nikki then beat Brie in their match.

Paige was getting nervous. Her hands were getting clammy. And her heart was pounding. She didn't know what was going to happen. But she was sure that if she lost, it was going to be the best match she would ever have.

Unlike Paige, AJ was still as calm as possible.

The Rhode's bother and the Usos finished their match. Paige was pacing, and it was causing AJ to get nervous.

"Can you stop? You're making me nervous," AJ told her, shooting Paige a glare. The younger girl gave her an innocent smile.

"Sorry," she muttered, and went to sit down, but her leg wouldn't stop bouncing.

John fought and beat Randy. Their match was near. Paige started to rub her face, which ruined her make-up. Emma grabbed her and led her to sit to fix her make-up.

AJ was the one pacing.

"You two are going to do great," Brie told the two women who were on the verge of panic attacks. Nikki couldn't help but chuckle.

Emma grabbed Paige's face and looking into her eyes. "You're whole career led you to this. I know you're scared to screw this up, but I know you're going to do great out there. I'm proud of you Pai, we all are. Just prove to us what we already know."

Paige nodded as she looked at Emma and Summer.

"C'mon AJ, you're the self-proclaimed best diva. And this is a little obstacle," Brie said, smiling.

"You're both going to go out there and fight your hearts out," Nikki added, giving both girls a smile.

"Who ever wins or loses, it doesn't matter. You're both going to show everyone why you deserve the title. You're going to make all us divas proud," Summer finished.

Paige and AJ looked at each other and nodded.

Sheamus and The Miz fought for the United States Championship. Emma gave Paige water while Nikki and Brie tried to get AJ to sit down, to take some last few breaths.

"You girls are going to do great. You're going to have the match no one would forget. The match people will be talking years from now," Emma told them both.

AJ and Paige nodded. One of the workers told them to get ready, and that they would be needed soon.

RUSEV and Big Show were finishing up their match. Paige and AJ were by the gorillas, ready for their match.

"Ready to make history?" AJ asked, looked at Paige with a smile.

The Divas Champion nodded, her belt on her shoulder. "Yeah, another thing to add to my history making."

AJ let out a laugh and shook her head.

"This is going to be one of the biggest matches we'll have," AJ muttered, watching as Rusev's match ended.

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