chapter 10 scream

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ENOUGH!" Stephanie exclaimed, glaring at the two girls, who were bickering in front of her. AJ had a black eye while Paige had a busted lip. It took some time for the referees to separate the two. "I don't know what's going on between you two, but you can not act like children out there! I want you to sort it out or come to an understanding, or I will strip of the title, and for the next year, neither of you will have title shots!"

Paige flinched at the threat. She nodded as she looked up to her boss.

"Good, now get out of here. You have until Monday to sort it all out."

Both women nodded and rushed out of the room. Paige and AJ looked at each other, not sure what to say.

"Can we talk? Like real adults?" AJ asked, looking at her ex-friend.

Paige sighed and nodded. "Yeah. I know I haven't been trying either."

AJ gave Paige a small smile. "Your hotel room, at eight? I'll bring food and drinks."

"No alcohol. I'll tell Emma and Seth that I will be okay, and for them to go out. They've been babysitting me for the last two weeks," she responded, a small smile on her face.

AJ smiled and nodded. She told Paige she would see her and walked away, wondering what they were going to talk about. She really hoped that they could get over what happened between them, and go back to being friends.

AJ stood up straighter before knocking. She smiled when she saw Paige open the door. She walked in and sat on the ground. She placed the food in front of her. Paige sat down in front of her.

"McDonalds?" Paige asked, raising an eyebrow. AJ grinned and gave Paige the food she had bought the Brit. Paige rolled her eyes and started eating.

Once they were done, they sat next to each other, neither of them knowing where to start.

AJ decided to start. "Do you know how I told you Phil and I broke up because we were better off as friends?"

Paige nodded, as she looked at the older woman.

"That wasn't entirely true. I liked him, I loved him, but he didn't feel the same way."

"Why?" AJ asked, tears in her eyes, as she stared up at Phil.

He shrugged. "I thought I would have feeling for you, but it never happened. I like you, you're a great friend, but I'll never see you as more."

"Then why did you date me?"

Phil sighed, as he ran his hand through his hair. "I thought that maybe I would fall in love with you, but that never happened."

AJ just shook her head.

"I'm sorry April, but if I stay with you, I won't be happy." He gave her a small smile, kissed her cheek and walked away.

"He wanted to be friends, but it hurt too much." Paige didn't respond, she just looked at AJ, waiting for her to continue talking. "I know it's not the same, because I didn't go through what you did, but I know a little of what you went through. I broke your heart, like he did to me. And I'm sorry. I am really sorry."

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