Chapter Three

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The rain lightened up in the morning so once again the two set out once more on their journey. They still were a few days away from Rivendell but Maedhros hoped they could get their sooner. Yet, Fingon reminded him that patience will help them. Since if they do get their faster than if they kept at this pace so they won't tire out the horses. As they rode and they got closer to Rivendell Maedhros, as normal, did not talk much. Yet, Fingon would not have them sit in silence so he mostly sang or he would force Maedhros to talk about different things. So, that was how they spent the next few days of their travels. Until they reached they finally reached the Rivendell border. 

"How are you holding up?" Fingon asked as he rode by his friend. 

"Fine," Maedhros asked. 

"Just being sure," Fingon replied.

After a bit of silence Maedhros slowed his horse a bit and said, "Someone is coming." 

"I hear them too," Fingon said listening closely. They both stopped and listened. A few moments a small group of elves walked around the corner. Fingon and Maedhros looked at each other when they saw the elf who was leading the group. That elf was none other than Glorfindel. 

"Halt," He said. "Who are you two and what are you doing here in Rivendell." 

"That's some hello to an old friend," Fingon replied as he pulled off his horse and slid off his horse.

Glorfindel stopped short when he saw him. His jaw dropped and it looked like his brain froze. He just stared and blinked staring at him. He then ran over and nearly tackled him in a hug.

"FINGON! YOU'RE ALIVE!" He shouted.

"That's what I have been told," Fingon replied with a light laugh. Glorfindel let go and grasped his shoulders. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"That's a question saved for a bit later," Meadhros answered as he walked over taking off his hood.

Glorfindel turned and looked at him for a long moment. He then walked over and hugged him. Fingon had to cover his mouth to hide his laugh as he saw Maedhro's expression. Maedhros looked suprised and uncomfortable. "Laurefindil. Let go. Pleases." Maedhros said in a deadpan expression.

Glorfindel ignored him and said, "You're both alive!"

"Yes we are. Now let go or I'll give you a hair cut." Maedhros said.

Glorfindel intnetly let go and looked at him in horror. "You wouldn't," He said.

"He would," Fingon said calmly. Now as the is exchange went on the group of elves who were with him were whispering quietly among themselves about two arrivals and how one of them was Fingon!

Glorfindel just had to laugh. He looked between the two and asked, "So. What are you doing here."

"I did say to save it a bit later," Maedhros replied as he cast a bit of a look to the elves just watching them.

"Right," Glorfindel said as he looked at them. He walked over to one of the elves and spoke to them for a few moments. He nodded and walked off leading the other elves with him.

"There. Now, follow me. I can walk with you two the rest of the way to Rivendell." Glorfindel said. The two nodded and began walking.

"When we get there do you think we can speak with Elrond?" Fingon asked.

"Well, actually Elrond is not here. He is in Gondor visiting his daughter." Glorfindel replied. "Yet, if you want I can come with you there to see him. Since he will not be back in a while."

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