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"Thank you for coming with me," Celebrian said to Maglor who walked next to her. Maglor nodded and said, "Of course. It'll be nice to him again...it's been a few years." 

"It has and I am sure he'll be beyond happy to see how you are doing." She replied.

"Maedhros said he was going to meet us here," Celebrian said. "Where is he?" 

"He'll be around," Maglor said. "Don't worry." 

She nodded and said, "Good. Elrond would love to have him greet him too." 

Maglor nodded as he stepped down onto the dock offering Celebrian a hand onto it. She walked to the edge and squicked her eyes to see if she could see any ship. Maglor just stood there and pulled his cloak closer around him. It had been a handful of years since he had come back to Valinor. A lot has changed and a lot has remained the same but most of all he was like himself again. There still were issues but from what he learned about the world that there will always be something. 

He looked up and shaded his eyes a bit and said, "I think I see something." 

"You do? Where?" Asked Celebrian. Maglor pointed in the distance and she smiled and said, "Your right." 

Celebrian smiled and walked to the edge of the dock waiting impatiently. Then after what felt like another age, the boat sailed next to the dock and once Elrond stepped back onto the dock he was almost knocked back into the boat from Celebrian nearly tackling him. 

Maglor chuckled softly and walked over as she let go of him. Elrond smiled and looked at Maglor and hugged him. "I missed you too Atar." He said. 

Maglor swallowed a bit and just nodded as he hugged Elrond. "I missed you too." He said. 

Elrond smiled and let go. The group then headed up the slop talking with each other, Maglor just smiled as he listed to both Elrond and Celebrian. It took beyond a lifetime but finally, he felt like he was truly home.

The End

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