Chapter Fourteen

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After two weeks of travel, the group stopped outside a building that was hidden by vines, leaves, bushes, and trees. The underneath all the greenery the building itself was clearly in ruin. Time was not kind to the once strong estate that once stood here.

"He's here?" Elrond asked looking up at the broken-down building. "From what I saw, he should be here, or at least was here recently," Maedhros replied as he dismounted. The others soon followed his lead and followed him inside. Elrond looked around inside the house and felt a sharp twinge of pain. He remembered this place clearly, this was the home that he grew up in with Elros, Maglor, and Maedhros. It hurt that Maglor could come here, possibly putting himself through more pain. Yet, this place was out of the way and well-hidden so it did make sense. He looked to Maedhros who was most likely thinking the same thing.

"It looks like someone was here very recently," Fingon said as he pointed to footsteps breaking a layer of dust.

"Right. I...he's here. I just know," Maedhros said. "Elrond? Can you come with me?"

"Of course," Elrond replied.

Maedhros looked at the twins and Fingon. "We'll wait here," Fingon said. He then put a hand on Maedhros's shoulder and gave him a small nod. 

Maedhors thanked him and looked to Elrond and nodded towards him. The two then walked up the creaking stairs. Maedhros listened carefully as he walked to an upper floor, he did his best to hear anything that could be his brother. He then heard movement from one of the rooms. Quickly moving to the door. he opened it slowly.

"Kano?" He asked as the door fully opened. He stepped into the darkened room, the room was the least covered in dust but there was still a good amount there. He looked around as he called his brother's name once more. He heard a soft noise from the corner. He looked over there and felt his heart shatter. He saw his brother curled up breathing weakly. He motioned Elrond to stay there as he walked over to him.

"Kano?" He asked softly.

Maglor shifted and opened his eyes. He looked up and stared up at Maedhros. "What? Nelyo? This is just another dream." He mumbled as he pulled his knees close and covered his ears.

Maedhros walked over and dropped to his knees a few feet away and said, "Kano. This isn't a dream."

Maglor huddled more into his corner and buried his face into his knees more. Maedhros inched closer and laid a hand on his brother's arm. Maglor looked up at him and blinked. Maedhros wrapped his arms around his brother and pulled him into a gentle hug.

"You''re real?" Maglor asked his voice just above a horse whisper. "but how?"

"That doesn't matter," Maedhros said softly. "I'm here though, you're going to be okay."

Maglor just crumbled against him and Maedhros did his best to keep his composer. He didn't have a good look at him but he could tell Maglor was banged up. His hands were covered in dirty bandages on his hands that had new and old blood strains. His hair was a matted and tangled mess, saying his clothes were ragged would be an understatement, he smelled strongly of the ocean, he was clearly thin under the rags, and all that was things that Maedhros could tell just by seeing him. He didn't even want to think about his mental state currently.

"Come. You'll be more comfortable on a bed," Maedhros said as he stood. lifting his brother to his feet. Maglor just clung to him as if he didn't Maedhros would simply vanish. Maedhros lead him to the bed, thankfully it looked like Maglor slept there and not on the floor. He sat Maglor down and nodded to Elrond who watched by the door.

"Kano. Someone else is here to see you," Maedhros said.

Maglor looked up a bit and blinked as Elrond knelt down in front of him. "Hello, Atar."

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