Chapter Nine

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"Wow! He's fast," Elladan said with wide eyes as Maedhros and Aragorn clashed their swords into each other.

"Yes. Maedhros is one of the best swordsmen I have seen." Fingon said as he stood with Elladan and his twin watching the two. Maedhros moved fast to one side and dodged to one side as Aragorn attacked him. He did another fast side step and slapped the sword out of Aragorn's hand sending it into the ground a few feet away. 

"Not bad," Maedhros said moving some hair out of his face with his hand. 

"You are incredible," Aragorn said. "I have never seen any elf move like that," 

"It comes with training and a tenacity that's not easily found," He replied. 

Aragorn nodded and as he went to retrieve his sword he heard a cheery voice shout, "Estel!" He looked up and was met with Legolas walking over to him wearing his normal grin. Gimli walked by the blond elf's side as he walked over to Aragorn. 

"Legolas? Gimli? What brings you two here?" He asked looking at his two friends. 

"We came here to visit you," Legolas said. He looked at him and titled his head to one side. "Estel? What are you doing?" 

"Well I am training with-" He began but when Legolas looked up he gasped in shock. Maedhros winced a bit and was preparing himself for the normal shock of an elf meeting a kinslayer. Yet the blond-haired elf walked over and said, "You are Maedhros the Tall! A prince of the Noldor, A former high king of the noldor, and lord Himring!" 

"Uh. Yes?" Maedhros said raising an eyebrow. 

"It's an honor to meet you!" Legolas said half bowing and half jumping a bit. He turned quickly to the dwarf with him and said, "Gimli! This is." Yet that was the only coherent thing heard before a quick bunch of jumbles came out of his mouth. Aragorn gave a light laugh clearly used to the young elf's antics. Maedhros just stood there a bit surprised and Fingon was holding his stomach laughing. 

Maedhros shook his head and looked at Gimli and asked in Khuzdul, "I take it he's always like this?" 

Gimli looked at Maedhros in shock as he spoke the dwarvish language. "You speak, Khuzdul?" He asked.

"I do, I once a good friend of a dwarf by the name Azagha, King of the Broadbeam Dwarves." He replied. The two spoke a bit more in the language and Legolas looked confused as he looked between the two. Elladan leaned over to Fingon and asked, "Do you have any idea what they are saying." 

"," Fingon said after a moment. Maedhros said one more thing causing Gimli to laugh Fingon looked at Maedhros and asked, "What did you talk to him about?" 

"Nothing that important," He replied. Legolas looked back at the two elves and looked at Fingon and went into a similar thing he did with Maedhros in getting excited. Fingon greeted the young elf with a smile and shook his hand. 


It was later in the day and Fingon and Maedhros were speaking with Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and the twins. Aragorn quickly explained what they were doing here, Legolas attacked the two elves with questions about Valinor and the time of trees.

Eventually, Fingon got enough of the elf's questions answered for them to move on. The conversation continued and eventually began talking about the war of the ring and the gs that transpired. "Wait," Maedhros said. "You have one of the Palantiri here?"

"Yes, why?" Aragorn asked. 

"My father made those stones for my brothers and I to keep in contact with one and another. It is possible that Maglor still has his." He said. 

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