February 1995

705 22 0

"What are you listening to?" Rafael questioned as Jolie let him in her dorm room.

"It's a punk band out of California, NoFX." Jolie replied, turning it down as Rafael made a face.

"You actually like this?" He asked clearly not impressed by what he had heard.

"It's fun and there are some politically motivated songs." She skipped it to Perfect Government which was technically a cover song but it still made her point.

"You do realize your dad is one of those fat cats right?" Rafael smirked and wrapped his arm around her as she muttered.


Jolie changed the music to the more mellow Buffalo Tom and joined Rafael on the bed to study.

"Where's your roommate?"

"I'll give you three guesses." Jolie smirked.



"Are we ever going to meet this Andrew guy?" He questioned, leaning against the wall as he pulled his book into his lap.

"They want to double for Valentines, but I told her I'd ask you."

"It's up to you. We can do something just the two of us or we can all go out." He shrugged.

"I'd like to go with them. I've always found the whole Valentines Day thing a little hokey anyway." She said scrunching up her face before opening her own book to read.

Valentines Day fell on a Tuesday so Jolie suggested they all go out either the weekend before or after.

"That's not the same though. You're supposed to go out on Valentine's Day, besides it's just dinner. We have to eat, even on a Tuesday." Sarah countered.

"Fine. Where do you want to go?" Jolie giggled, not expecting Sarah to be so into Valentine's Day.

"I don't know, someplace nice." Sarah smiled.

"I'll leave it up to you but don't pick somewhere too nice. Rafael's already picked up a second job bartending so I know money is an issue this semester and he's too stubborn to let me pay."

"I thought the whole RA thing covered room and board." Sarah furrowed her brow.

"Yeah but I think he's saving for next year when he's not an RA anymore." Jolie replied.

"He can't do it again? I'm thinking about it. I'm mean that would be a huge financial load off my parents next year since my scholarship doesn't cover room and board." Sarah flipped her notebook closed, too exhausted to study anymore.

"Apparently he's been taking summer classes since he started so he graduates in August. And you have to be my roommate when I move off campus next year." Jolie smiled.

"Has he applied to law school?" Sarah asked.

"He is as we speak."

"What if he ends up somewhere else?"

"Then we'll figure it out." Jolie sighed.

"You want to live with me next year?" Sarah asked with a silly grin on her face.

"Of course. I don't want to live alone and like I can find someone else that can stick to my crazy study schedule." Jolie chuckled.

"On a serious note though, I doubt I could afford to live where you could." Sarah sighed.

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