April 1996

419 22 8

***Two chapters were posted tonight.***

Jolie tried calling the next day but he didn't answer and eventually she just got a busy signal. She tried going by his place but David said he was at school.

    "You need to eat." Sarah said as Jolie pushed food around her plate.

    "I'm not hungry." Jolie muttered as she got up and dumped the food in the trash on her way to the sink.

    "You really should eat... you won't get a chance to again until after the sunsets tomorrow." Sarah stated, reminding her that lent wouldn't end for another week still.

    "Then I'll be hungry." Jolie shrugged, disappearing to her room.

    One week went by, then two. Rafael had made no attempt what so ever to contact her. She decided to see if he would talk to her if she ran into him on campus. Walking up to the place she knew he liked to study between classes, she saw him, but he wasn't alone. She had seen the girl before when she would meet up with him after class, hell he had even introduced them... April she believed her name was. She couldn't believe what was happening when April, who seemed to notice her, leaned forward and kissed him. Jolie paused for a moment before turning and rushing off, skipping her last class for the day and heading home.

    "What are you listening to?" Sarah asked as she barged in Jolie's room.

    "The Smoking Popes." Jolie replied.

    "What, did you find the sappiest album you own and put it on repeat?" Sarah questioned, pressing stop on Jolie's CD player.

    "He wont even talk to me." 

    "He'll come around." 

    "I saw him kissing someone when I attempted to talk to him at school yesterday." Jolie said, the familiar tears forming at the corners of her eyes again.

    "Are you sure?" Sarah asked sitting next to Jolie on her bed.

    "I'm upset, not blind. I know what I saw." Jolie huffed wiping tears as she stood to change.

    "Where are you going?" Sarah questioned as Jolie change into a short red plaid skirt, black tank top, and a black and white flannel shirt.

    "My favorite band is playing tonight so I'm going to go. If he can kiss someone else I can enjoy some music." Jolie replied, slipping on some black bracelets that covered a good portion of her wrist.

    Sarah watched as she slipped on her converse and looked at her outfit in the mirror, her gaze going to the necklace Rafael had given her. She started to remove it and then sighed, dropping it back around her neck.

    "Do you want me to go with you?" Sarah asked.

    "No. I'll be fine." Jolie replied, shoving her ID and some cash in the pocket she'd sown onto the inner waistband of the skirt and headed out.

    She stood to the side leaning against a wall as she watched Lagwagon's set, smiling for the first time in a while. Getting out had helped, the music had helped. It felt good to be surrounded by people who weren't walking on eggshells around her. She glanced around the club and was relieved to not see Jason or any of the others anywhere. She enjoyed their company at shows but had decided it would be best to cut ties, even if Rafael never spoke to her again. She wasn't interested in Jason like that and didn't feel comfortable leading him on now that she knew how he felt. No Use For a Name was on when someone leaned against the wall next to her.

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