February 1997

393 17 6

Jolie was still busy with school. At times she felt like she had put too much on herself this semester, the planner she had purchased was so packed that she had taken to writing as small as she possibly could. It was beginning to look like the workings of a crazed person.

"Should I be worried?" Rafael teased, holding up the planner that was open on their bed to the current week.

"No." Jolie smirked, grabbing it from him. "I'm just trying get ahead on a few things so I can take Sarah to the No Use show next weekend."

"No Use?"

"No Use For A Name."

"That's a long name indicating they have no need for a name." Rafael chuckled.

"Hence why I shortened it to No Use." Jolie grinned, pulling out the problems she had been assigned for her finance class.

"It's ten o'clock?" Rafael frowned when she started working.

"I only have two problems left." She left out the bit about each problem generally taking up an entire page.

"Should you be working yourself to death just to make sure Sarah can meet up with a guy she barely knows?"


"Jolie..." He scolded while tilting his head forward.

"Sarah hasn't mentioned being interested in anyone since her and Andrew broke up. Tom is nice and smart and I'm doing this for her... even if she talks to him and completely changes her mind." Jolie smiled.


"No buts. She's been there for me and I will do the same for her."

"Ok." He nodded.

Jolie started to read through the next problem on her assignment, taking note of the information that would be relevant when she started to actually work through it. Rafael slipped under the covers and watched her.

"I can go to the study to work if you want to sleep." Jolie offered.

"I like watching you work. You're cute when you're really thinking and your tongue sticks out ever so slightly." He smirked.

"Like I haven't seen you do the same thing." She chuckled.

"I do not."

Jolie smiled and shook her head as she made herself more comfortable on the bed to finish the assignment. Whether he knew it or not, he definitely made the face. If she hadn't wanted to get her assignment done before midnight she would have continued to argued with him.

Rafael watched in amusement as Jolie held up outfit after outfit she pulled out of their closet, discarding them on the bed when she decided against one only to pull out something new or pair a new top with a discarded bottom.

"You know we don't have a maid right?" He smirked.

"I'll put them all back."

"Should I be jealous? I mean this is a lot of effort for a show I'm not even going to be at."

"Funny." Jolie smirked. "I'm wearing what I intend to wear, I'm trying to find something for Sarah."

"Shouldn't Sarah dress as herself..." He had returned most of his attention to his school work and it took him a minute to notice Jolie had paused as she thought about what he said.

"You're right." She grinned as she started to hang her clothes back in the closet.

"Of course I'm right... what am I right about?"

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