December 1997

423 19 5

"Are you sure your mom and abuelita won't join us?"

They were laying in bed, both completely packed to spend the entirety of the winter break away from Cambridge. The first few days would be spent in New York, visiting with his family and hers. Then they were off to Gstaad for the actual holiday and would return just after the new year, remaining in New York to spend time with Rafael's family again.

"You'd be hard pressed to get mami to agree to traveling on someone else dime."

Jolie lifted herself to look at him when he sighed. "It's not like two extra people on the plane actually adds a measurable cost and the house has plenty of rooms..."

"I know that," he smiled, "she just feels uncomfortable excepting people taking care of things for her sometimes." Jolie frowned slightly, but didn't say anything prompting him to. "What's wrong?"

"What happens when we have kids? I want them to spend Christmas with everyone. The whole big Christmas thing you see in movies." She was still frowning slightly which only made him chuckle.

"I'll work on my abuelita, she'll be easier to persuade, let her do the heavy lifting convincing mami... maybe we can get them on board for next year so that by the time we have kids, Christmas in Gstaad can be the cheesy lifetime movie you're hoping for."

"That's all I ask." Jolie grinned, ruffling his already messy morning hair. She climbed out of bed, gathering the clothes she had set out for their day of travel and started for the the bathroom to shower, pausing as she reached the door, her eyes meeting his when she glance over her shoulder. "We can spend Christmas in New York this year if you want."

"Why would we do that?"

She turned to face him. "It's your family's first Christmas without your father... we should be there."

Rafael shook his head. "I've thought about this and I talked to my mom. We spent Thanksgiving with them and we will be there both before and after Christmas. You only see your mom's parents during Christmas and from what you've told me, it had been a while since you had seen them before your family started going to Gstaad. I'm not taking that from you."

"I just wish your family would join us too... I hate taking you from them." Jolie sighed, leaning against the doorframe.

"They have a whole community acting as a support system and we will get to see them."

Jolie nodded, reluctantly conceding in hopes that she could get them onboard for next year. Now that they were engaged, she really did want their families to spend more time together. Maybe that would help ease the reservations Lucia had.

"You're too stubborn Lucia, ella solo quiere que todos pasen tiempo juntos. (she only wants everyone to spend time together)" Catalina was defending Jolie after Lucia had turned her invitation to join them in Gstaad down yet again. Rafael had told her to let it go, but she wanted to try one last time. The result was him quietly smirking his 'I told you so' from across the room.

"Desarraigado y al otro lado del mundo ... (Uprooted and halfway around the world.)" Lucia grumbled.

"¿Crees que te abandonaron allí? (You think they'll just abandon you there?)" Catalina chuckled.

Jolie's Spanish was coming along, not enough to understand every word, but enough to get the general gist. "It's fine Catalina... maybe grandkids will change her mind." She had meant to include the word future and the size of both Lucia and Catalina's eyes clued her in on the fact that she hadn't. "Future grandkids... way, way, way in the future." Jolie sounded a bit panicked, Rafael's laugher not exactly helping. "I just want everyone to be together for Christmas when we get to that point." Jolie muttered, fixating her glare on Rafael who was still chuckling.

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