April 1995

589 20 8

"Can you believe it's been a year?" Jolie lamented as she held up the copy of Rolling Stones she had purchased with Kurt Cobain on the cover.

"A year since what?" Rafael looked up from the book he'd been reading for the last hour while she worked on homework.

"Kurt's death."


"Kurt Cobain. Nirvana... Smells Like Teen Spirit... Come As You Are... Have you lived under a rock since 1991?" She added the last bit when she realized he still had no idea what she was talking about.

"I'm sorry I don't focus all my energy on music." He smirked, finding her obsessions with different bands amusing.

"Whatever." Jolie sighed, turning her attention back to her linear algebra homework.

Jolie was in the middle of manipulating a matrix when she felt Rafael push her hair behind her ear. "Aren't you supposed to be finishing your book?" She asked trying not to loose her place in the Gauss-Jordan elimination she was doing as she work the matrix to row echelon form. It was a rather large matrix and she had already messed up twice having to work back through each matrices she had written out for each step until she found her mistake. "Give me a minute." She scolded as his hand reached under her tank top, his lips on her neck and shoulder. When his hand moved higher she took her free hand and pushed it away without taking her eyes off her work not wanting to lose her place. "Rafael Barba!" She squealed when his hand reached between her legs from underneath, since she had her knees bent and spiral resting resting on them.

He had a grin on his face when she looked at him. "I'm sorry. You still need a minute?"

She should have found him annoying but that stupid grin was really cute. "Whatever, I'd have to start over again now anyway." She smiled pulling him to her lips.

Her math book fell to the floor with a thud when he pushed her things off his bed causing them both to chuckle. Pulling her on top of him as he laid back on the bed and removed her top. Jolie sat up on his thighs and unbuttoned his jeans, moving backwards as she pulled them off. He lifted his hips when she reached up to pull his boxers off as well before climbing back on top of him to sit on his thighs again, taking him in her hand. The deep throaty sound he made as she moved her hand excited her.

"Raf?" She whispered her voice cracking.

"Uh huh." He hummed.

"I'm going to do something I've never done so feel free to give me guidance."

Rafael watched as she inched backwards so that she could move her mouth over him. She looked up at him as she took him in, bobbing her head as best she could given his size and her inexperience.

"Jolie." He half moaned as he lifted himself to an elbow and reached his other hand to the back of her head, effectively slowing her movements. "Don't try to look at me."

Jolie took his advice, the new angle allowing her to take him deeper, eliciting a throaty groan from him.

"I'm going to readjust, ok?" Rafael said, lifting her from him.

He shifted so that he was leaning against the wall but kept her perpendicular to him, moving her hair out of the way so he could watch as she took him her mouth again. With his right hand he reached under her skirt and into her underwear, his left remaining nestled in her hair. The more she moaned against him the more relaxed she became, taking more of him in.

"My god." He groaned, leaning his head back, his fingers pushing into her. "Jolie." He moaned pulling her from him when he felt himself getting close.

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