December 1995

607 21 18

"Are you serious!?!" Jolie exclaimed over the phone as Rafael walked into her living room.

"Hey." He smiled, giving her a peck on the cheek and a curious look at the giddy expression on her face.

"Hey daddy, hang on a second," she said before turning to Rafael, "Do you have a passport?"

"Me?" Rafael questioned pointing to himself as he chewed on the chip he had just placed in his mouth from the bag she had open on the coffee table.

"Yes." She nodded.

"I do." He replied, still slightly confused.

"Where you serious about not wanting to spend Christmas with your family?" Jolie asked.

"I was." He huffed.

"Would you want to spend it with mine?"

"That could be nice." Rafael smiled.

Jolie grinned and turned her attention back to her dad on the phone. "Ok, yes, Raf will go too."

"Where did I just agree to go." Rafael chuckled when she sat down.

"Switzerland." Jolie smiled.

"Switzerland?" He repeated, choking on the sip of water he had just taken.

"Yeah, my mom and her sister got together when my dad was in London on business last month and I guess they were reminiscing on Christmas from when they were kids. Anyway, they decided that they should get the family together for Christmas this year. We're the only ones on this side of the Atlantic on my moms side of the family so my father suggested Gstaad." Jolie beamed.

"You seem excited." Rafael smiled.

"I love Christmas. The last time my family got together for one I was eleven. Ian and Beth will be there. Oh! Beth's pregnant too! I can't believe I forgot to tell you that. My dad promised me a tree and all the other hokey Christmas stuff I love. And I get to share that with you." She smiled, cuddling against him on the couch.

"I am so jealous." Sarah giggled as she drank a glass of wine on their couch.

"Of what?" Jolie questioned from the bar area as she poured herself another martini.

"You and Raf get to jet off to Switzerland for Christmas while Andrew and I mosey on back to Raleigh..." She muttered.

"Mosey?" Jolie chuckled.

"This is my fourth glass, it's the best I could come up with to offset jet." Sarah smiled.

"I am so excited." Jolie grinned.

"Yeah, yeah... just tell me you failed one of your finals or something." Sarah chuckled.

"Who failed a final?" Rafael asked as he entered the living room.

"No one." Jolie smiled, handing him a glass of scotch.

"What's this for?"

"We're celebrating the end of the semester. We both took our last final today and you just got here from yours." She grinned.

"It's barely four o'clock." He stated.

"So we'll be passed out by nine." Sarah giggled.

"She's had way more than me." Jolie laughed.

"Don't worry, Andrew will be here soon and then my drunk ass will be his problem." Sarah giggled again.

"What is all that?" Rafael questioned, pointing to a stack of wrapped presents in the corner of the living room.

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