September 1995

507 23 6

 Law school was keeping Rafael extremely busy. So busy, they had to schedule time to see each other, making Jolie almost miss living in the dorms where he was just across the hall.

"Is your work load going to be like this for three years?" Jolie asked as they cuddled in her bed.

"I'm pretty sure we're suffering through the weeding out process." Rafael sighed.

"I guess they have to see who can handle the stress." She smiled.

"It's really not that bad since you worked out a schedule." He said pulling her closer to him.

"Yeah, my anal retentiveness at its finest. I've never been more on top of my school work." She chuckled. It was true though, with him working, in class, or studying for class she had a lot of free time, more than she really wanted.

"How's Spanish going this semester? I had hoped to be able to help you more." He smiled.

"Aced my first test. You worry about your work and don't be surprised when I can finally understand the little things you mutter under your breath." She teased.

"You sure you don't want to take French instead." He grinned as he pushed himself on top of her.

"Positive." She smirked, wrapping her arms around him when his lips met hers.

"Jolie, can you help train? I've got to leave early to make up a test I missed." Claire asked as she walked a guy maybe a year older than Jolie up to her.

"Sure." Jolie smiled. She had gone back to volunteering with the ACLU and given her extra free time she was there a lot now.

"Great. This is Jason, we have a few classes together at Boston College. Just show him around and have him help you with mailers." Claire smiled as she grabbed her bag to leave.

"Sorry you got stuck with me." He's sound sincere if there wasn't a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

"No worries," Jolie smiled, "though you may be sorry you volunteered after the hundredth envelope you've stuffed." Jolie showed him around and then set him up with a stack of mailers, envelopes, and an envelope moistener.

"You like Bad Religion?" Jason asked as they worked.

"I do. What made you ask that?"

"You're shirt." He smiled, pointing toward her.

"Oh, yeah." Jolie chuckled, having forgotten she was wearing a Bad Religion shirt that day.

"What about Pennywise?"

"I like them too." She smiled.

"Are you going to their show next weekend?"

"I didn't even know they were touring." Jolie frowned. She'd always kept up with shows in New York, but had never looked into venues in Boston.

"You should go. There's a group of us that'll be there." He smiled as he jotted down the name of the club and date on the back of an envelope for her.

"I would like to see them." She said as she took the envelope from him.

"Hey Sarah, do you want to go to a show next weekend?" Jolie asked when she got home that evening.

"Andrew and I have a date night planned. Take Rafael." Sarah suggested.

"I'll ask but I'm pretty sure he works." Jolie sighed.

The Nineties (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora