November 1995

521 19 23

"Are you working this weekend?" Jolie asked as they ate breakfast before heading to class.

"I'm not but I'm also not really up for a punk show." Rafael sighed.

"That's good, because I was thinking I could take you out for a late birthday dinner since we did Halloween last weekend and you had to work on your actual birthday." Jolie said taking her cereal bowl to the sink.

"If you want." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her after dropping his own bowl in the sink.

"I'll make a reservation." She turned her head for a quick kiss and then wiggled out of his arms to grab her backpack. "You ready?"

"Yes." Rafael grabbed his own bag and followed her out of the house.

"I love that the law school is on the way to the main campus and I get to walk you to class." Jolie smirked as they walked hand in hand to school.

"I love that your car drops us off when it's raining and ridiculously cold outside." Rafael laughed.

"I love that too." She smiled.

"Hi Rafael!" A girl said as they approached his building.

"April, hi. This is my girlfriend Jolie. Jolie this is April, we have a few classes together." Rafael said introducing them.

"A few? I probably see more of you than she does." April joked, while barely acknowledging Jolie's existence.

"I doubt that." Jolie muttered under her breath before politely smiling.

"So how long have you two been together?" April asked.

"A year this month." Rafael said pulling Jolie closer to him by the arm he had wrapped around her waist.

"It really doesn't seem like it's been a year." Jolie smiled.

"No it doesn't." He smiled back.

"Have you decided if you're going to participate in the mock trials?" April asked.

"I signed up last week." Rafael replied.

"Raf, I've got to get to class." Jolie interrupted when she looked at her watch.

"Ok. Can you get lunch today?"

"Yes, meet me outside Lowell around one."

"Ok." He smiled, giving her a kiss as she left.

"I think I'm going to sign up too. Maybe we'll get paired together." Jolie heard April say as she headed toward the exit.

"How many classes do you have with April?" Jolie asked at lunch, trying not to come off sounding jealous.

"All but one." He replied.

"And she's nice?"

"I guess. Honestly, I try to avoid her." He said.

"You do?" Jolie lifted her gaze to look at him, perking up slightly.

"Yeah, she's very loud and a bit pushy. It'll probably work out in her favor as a lawyer but it can be a bit abrasive at times." Rafael stated.

"You don't have to be the loudest person in the room to be an effective lawyer. Most of the ones I know are fairly reserved, picking their timing when they speak to make the most use of their words." Jolie smiled.

"I agree. She's smart though, definitely chooses her moments to be pushy." He chuckled.

"Do you want to be paired with her for the mock trials?"

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