February 1998

384 15 5

"Are you going to whatever show Tom is dragging me to this weekend?" Sarah grumbled as she walked into the kitchen where Jolie was siting at the table.

Jolie held up her finger, pointing the the phone attached to her ear. "No... either the thirteenth or the twenty seventh."

"Why those dates?" Jolie had switched the phone over to speaker when Sarah furrowed her brow.

"Because I like odd numbers."

"That's not a reason." Annalise grumbled.

"It's my reason."

"What does Rafael want?"

"He told me to pick." Jolie smiled at the exasperated face she knew her mother was making.

"You still want 620 Loft and Garden?"


"Ok... June isn't that far off. We need to get invitations out soon, so can you get me a guest list of friends you'd like to invite and for Rafael's friends and family, preferably before the end of next week. I can handle our family and your father's work associates."

"I'll sit down with Rafael this weekend."

They could hear Annalise's pen scratching along paper as she jotted down a few notes. "Do you want me to fly down there with invitation samples for you to pick from?"

"Honestly mom, I trust your taste." And she did when it came to this. Clothes they would never see eye to eye on, but her mother always planned elegant, yet understated parties. "I will fly up over spring break to pick out my own dress though."

Annalise laughed. "I can only imagine what you'd say if I selected a dress for you."

"I'd like to look at suits for Raf and his groomsmen and bridesmaids dresses as well."

"I'll have Marisol get a selection of dresses pulled for you, do you have anything in mind so she's not working blind?" Marisol was the stylist her mother used before any high society event she attended. Jolie had also used her when her mother dragged her along with her, so she knew the woman was capable of understanding her style was different than her mothers.

"I'm still trying to decide... I don't want to look back at pictures and feel like the dress looks like a specific decade. I'd like something timeless... a classic or maybe a vintage style... Is that enough to go on?" She had been looking at bridal magazines, but hadn't really had luck finding what she had in mind.

"Marisol knows your taste better than I ever will, I'm sure she'll find something. Anything else you specifically want?"

"Oh... I do have colors in mind?"

"We are a little picky then," Annalise chuckled.

Jolie rolled her eyes seeing as her mother couldn't actually see her. "Lilac and light grey."

"That's not very summery..."

"Would it make you happier to throw in a little yellow too." She'd been toying with the idea of adding yellow and the more she thought about it, the more she liked it.

"It would. Can I use white as a base color and accent with the other three?"

"Yes, just make sure the lilac and light grey are more prominent than the yellow."

"We might have to use white flowers over grey..."

"That's fine." Jolie really hadn't thought about the flowers when picking the colors, but she didn't figure her mother would have much luck finding grey flowers.

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