August 1997

416 15 1

Jolie impatiently paced the living room, checking out the window for her car service to appear every two seconds. She had convinced him it'd be faster than the train, and after a week of arguing with her he finally conceded when she pouted about wanting to see him sooner. Now she was basically staring out the window for his arrival, hoping they hadn't hit much traffic and would be close to the estimated arrival time.

"You know, if you go sit in the yard you'll be able to see the car when it turns on our street." Sarah teased while leaning against the entry to the kitchen.

"I'm not that desperate." The thought had crossed her mind... more than once, but she wasn't about to admit that to Sarah.

"Come on." Sarah chuckled, while guiding Jolie away from he window.

"I want to watch for him."

"It won't make him get here any faster, but watching a little television might help the time pass quicker." Sarah smiled, forcing her to sit on the couch.

"Fine." Jolie huffed, taking the remote from coffee table, just as they heard a car door shut. Sarah shook her head as Jolie jumped back up and ran to the window again. "Finally." She grinned, running to the door.

Sarah watched through the window as she almost knocked Rafael off his feet when she all but jumped in his arms.

"I take it he's back?" Tom asked, exiting the kitchen with the popcorn Sarah had placed in the microwave before walking out to join Jolie.

"So... how was New York, working with Schreiber, everything?" He hadn't even stepped two feet in their bedroom.

"I've talked to you almost everyday. I don't have that much to tell you that you haven't already heard." Rafael chuckled.

"You can tell me again, I don't mind." Jolie took his hand and dragged him to the bed, pushing him to sit as she climbed on his lap.

Her lips found his as her hands slipped under his shirt, pulling it over his head. His hands tugged her top off and shifted her beneath him, unclasping her bra as he inched her backwards on the bed. He kissed down her neck and chest, tonguing her nipple while unfastening her jeans.

"New York, Raf." Jolie panted as he pulled her pants down her legs.

"I thought you wanted to have sex?"

She sat up when he started for the bed again and stopped him, inching herself to the edge to remove his jeans. "Can we not do both?"

Rafael took it upon himself to remove his underwear and then hers before pushing her back on the bed again. "I was offered a job."

"What? Where?" This caused her to stop him from kissing her so she could look at him.

"See," he smirked, "you can't do both."

"Who offered you a job?"

"The Brooklyn DAs office. They have a higher turnover rate so a spot has been guaranteed if I want it. I told them I'd think about."

"How long do you have to decide?"

"Two weeks"

"That's big Raf..." She pulled him above her, but didn't instigate anything, merely adjusted them so she could see him better. "What do you want?"

"I want Manhattan, but there's no guarantee there will be an opening... there isn't presently one."

"So take Brooklyn, you can always transfer later."

"You think I should?"

"I think it says a lot that they've offered a spot this early."

"I just don't want to miss an opportunity to work in Manhattan."

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