September 1996

422 18 1

Jolie was laying on her bed surrounded by various books in both mathematics and physics not to mention her spirals, a portable CD player next to her with the cord to her earbuds draped across her arm. She was quietly singing along to whatever song she was listening to as she worked through a physics problem on maximum trajectory length, completely oblivious to Rafael watching her from the doorway. Part of him didn't want to disturb her... but only part of him.

"Jesus! Rafael!" She startled when he lightly ran his fingers up her calf.

"Why aren't you listening to that on your stereo?" He chuckled, sitting on the bed next to her.

Jolie shrugged. "I was listening to it while I walked home from class and didn't feel like switching."

"What is that?" He asked looking at the amount of math she had worked through.

"I'm determining the angle at which a ball should be thrown from ground level so the distance traveled through the air is at maximum."

"And how do you do that?" Rafael smiled leaning forward to look at the math she had worked through.

Rafael knew from the look on her face that he had made a mistake by asking, but let her start anyway. "Well if we let theta be the angle the ball is thrown at, then the coordinates x is v, the speed, cosine theta times t, the time. And y is v sine theta times t minus g, or gravity, t times two divided by two. The ball reached maximum height at t equals v sine theta divided by g, so the length of trajectory would be two times the integral from zero to v sine theta divided by g..."

"And I'm lost." Rafael interrupted. "Why would you need to know that anyway?"

"I more than likely won't ever use this, I prefer data and statistics, but it's fun to work through and figure out." Jolie smiled.

"If you say so." He chuckled. "Sarah wanted to know if you wanted to go out for dinner or order a pizza. Apparently we're out of food."

"Oh. Uh... what do you want to do?"

"I really don't want pizza."

"Let's go out then." She smiled, hopping off the bed.

The three of them went to a small burger place not too far from campus.

"How's your old roommate doing with his new living arrangements?" Sarah asked as she shoved fries in her mouth.

"Jeez have you not eaten today?" Jolie chuckled.

"I forgot we needed to go grocery shopping and didn't pick something up on campus." Sarah shrugged.

"Maybe we should stop by the store on the way home." Jolie suggested. "I'd hate for Sarah to starve."

"Funny." Sarah huffed. "So your old roommate?"

"David seems to be doing well and Rita's tormenting the first years." Rafael chuckled.

"Tormenting them how?" Jolie asked.

"She's just good and making them all have to work harder which they hate and she seems to enjoy."

"Aren't you doing that to the L2's?" Jolie questioned.

"Yes, but... and don't think I think this... it's just how others react, but I'm a guy and she's not."

"What is that support to mean?" Sarah and Jolie both snapped.

"Again, not me. Society tends to except men moving to the top better than women. Rita's rather enjoying the fact that half the guys in her class mutter under their breath when she walks by." Rafael smirked.

"Good for her." Jolie smiled.

"How is David taking Rita doing so well?" Jolie asked.

"He's hoping she'll make partner in some firm one day and he can become an environmental lawyer like he really wants to." Rafael chuckled.

"Well, at least they found each other." Sarah laughed.

"How's Andrew? I haven't seen him hanging around recently." Rafael questioned.

"They have to work on this project outside of their normal classes, it can be anything they want, but has to be related to their field. He's been assigned this group to work with and it's taking up most his free time." Sarah sighed, taking a large bite of her burger.

"Stressed?" Rafael chuckled.

"I haven't been laid in weeks." Sarah muttered.

Rafael glanced at Jolie, his face clearly indicating he didn't need to know that tidbit of information.

"Maybe save the girl talk for just you and me." Jolie chuckled.

"What? He's a roomie now." Sarah grinned.

Jolie had slipped on a tank top after they got home, and now that it was just her and Rafael in her bedroom she was down to that and her underwear. Rafael helped her clear her school things off the bed, he in his underwear and t-shirt, but seeing as he was wearing boxers, he definitely seemed to have more clothing on than she did.

"You haven't mentioned any of your bands playing shows in a while." Rafael said as they laid down to sleep.

"I haven't felt like going to see a show." Jolie shrugged.

"Why? And don't tell me because you kissed the lead singer of your favorite band. Seriously, I don't expect that to happen again. I'd even go with you to see them if they were playing."

"Really?" She asked, sounding a bit surprised.

"They're your favorite band and music is important to you." He replied.

"Good to know. It's not that though... well not entirely that. It's more Jason and that group I used to hang out with at shows a lot." Jolie sighed.

"Why don't you want to see them?"

"After you broke up with me I cut ties with Jason and by extension the rest of them. He stopped by randomly one afternoon and I confronted him about why he was there. I was miserable and upset and not really in the mood to be there for someone else. That and Sarah told me you were right about him having feelings for me. I told him that I thought it would be best if we didn't hangout anymore."

"Still, if you want to go to a show you should." Rafael said.

"Will you go with me?" Jolie smiled.

"If school doesn't prevent me."

"I've got a lot going on this month but maybe I'll look for something next month."

"Just not on my birthday." Rafael chuckled.

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