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Old habits really do die hard
While new one is in shard
Glued one by one with all your hope
Of a new you, a new person to cope.
Shredding the old, slacking shoulder
To carry the new shining boulder
Your glowing eyes, speaking of zeal
But how do you proceed? To close this deal?
Isn't it nothing less of a task?
Why is it, is all you ask?
None of it is easy, nothing gets better
You simply ace it, you go-getter.
Make more mistakes, bawl like a baby more often-
But don't for once regret anything, a word of caution
Go for that change- Hey! Don't stop you
They already try to do so- but why should you?
Trust the process, trust yourself
You are going to make it, with all your self.
Keep moving on, towards the greater good
Since you believe in it, don't be in the hood-
Step out in the sun, dance in the rain
Let go of the toxic self, of all the pain
That you put yourself through all these years
Being hard on yourself, for all those cheers.
No, nothing is ever enough on this Earth
But you, my dear, are more than your worth.
Pick your price, choose carefully
That's how you let everyone treat you, wilfully.
Believe that you can touch the cosmos
Leaving behind your limitations, your sorrows
While you soar higher, beyond what you are
Trust me, you would care less when gone that far.
Don't let your misguided past blackmail you,
Don't let your unseen future blind you.
Walking in this sunshine will surely exhaust you
But the sunset at the end will be worth it, mind you.

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