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Running into the woods
To catch their glimpse
As fireflies illuminate
The way towards them
Burning in a dark night
Brighter and brighter
Slipping between our fingers
As we try to catch them
To put them in our glass jar
To appreciate them
To remember them
As a jar of light
A jar of happiness
A memory.

Aren't memories like fireflies?
Them fleeting by
Here and there, everywhere,
While we try to seize them
Maybe even miss some-
But discover better instead.
To adorn our imagination
To put them in our brain boxes
That might access for us
Whenever we want to look back.
To spread a smile on our faces
Ah! The memories we had!
The lane we walked in,
Adorned with all those fireflies.

Amidst these Meadows,
Amongst the rough seas,
Along the shores,
Over the mountains,
Inside the darkest caves,
Above the rooftops-
We can always chase fireflies,
Hearts exploding with ecstasy.
If you can't find any,
Don't lose hope yet-
As I will catch a Firefly for you
Over that fence there-
To make you believe that
Memories can always be made.

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