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Happiness isn't submissive
Sadness isn't wrong
Fear isn't unnecessary
Anger isn't strong
Disgust isn't offensive-
Situations act as triggers-
Your emotions merely reactions
Very much suitable for the state
You are currently dwelling in.
Your feelings are your personal speakers
Blaring at you about what's going on
Inside you, beneath your bones
With every kind of interaction- living or not.
Instead of distancing from reality,
Let the feeling(s) sink in-
Don't stop celebrating your victories
Don't stop those tears falling out
Don't stop yourself from being all jittery
Don't stop hating that pineapple over pizza
Don't try to smile when rain had spoiled your dress
Don't hurry to get back on your feet-
To feel some overrated feeling
Of being on the top of the world
Hence blanketing over - calling it drama-
Only to feel everything explode  one fine day
On the insides, projecting to the outside.
You are allowed to feel these emotions
Beyond the confines of human judgement,
To adapt to an ever-changing perspective
And embrace the balanced temperament.
Normalising acceptance is one step closer
To accepting yourself, at all-
You are only human
You are only human.


I just finished watching Inside Out movie. If you guys haven't watched it yet- you should definitely check it out. If you already have- you should rewatch it anyway- because it will be relatable to you on a whole new different level now, based on the stage in life you are at .

Isn't it interesting to always wonder what goes on in a person's mind? Filled with such tangled memories, elusive facts and valued relationships- humans are complex creatures. Struggling to find all the logic and rationality in this grand scheme of things- humans still are huge fans of emotions. Most of the adulthood goes about in figuring out what's logical and  how to align it with our ethics - which are very much guided by our emotions. And in this quest for life, there's nothing wrong to side with our emotions once in a while and also fully accept them as they are- which is what makes us humans, and at the end- individuals too.

Emotions are very much normal. It's time we accepted  and took full responsibility of that.

On a side note - I am one of those who loves pineapples over their pizza.
So go ahead- Sue me.

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