Chapter 1 : Crimson City's Hero

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It was a peaceful midday in Crimson City, as civilians strolled along the streets until a explosion broke the peaceful atmosphere.

Two men stepped out of the bank they had robbed carrying two sacks of money in each hand.

Both men wore matching costumes that were black body suits, gloves, boots and blue domino masks, and they had black and blue streaked hair.

One of the brothers spoke "That was almost too easy brother, no heroes came to stop us unlike Sapphire City."

He said.

The other brother, much larger than his sibling nodded.

The small brother grinned and they turned to leave.

But then a strong gust of wind stopped them in their tracks.

"Not so fast evildoers!"

A heroic voice exclaimed.

And then a man dressed in a red bodysuit, black boots, gloves, and a red and black cape flew down in front of the criminal duo.

"What the hell, who are you!?"
the small brother exclaimed.

The man moved closer so the villains could look into his eyes.

He wore a black domino mask connected to a half cowl that showed off his curly blonde graying hair.

The two brothers froze on the spot as the hero stared them down with mahogany brown eyes.

"I am Crimson Justice, surrender now or I'll have to deal with you the hard way."

He said.

The bigger brother glared at the hero.

"We prefer the hard way old-timer."

He growled.

And without warning he charged at

Crimson Justice.

Crimson Justice smiled.

"The hard way it is."

He said.

And then he rushed towards the larger man and took off mid-flight and tore through both men like a football quarterback.

The two villains hit the ground hard and Crimson Justice stood over them.

"Its over you two, come quietly."

He commanded.

The brothers sat up.

"We give up."
they said in unison.

Crimson Justice laughed.

"Good, because here come the police."

He said, just as a squad car pulled up.

Two officers got out and ran towards the red clad hero.

"Crimson Justice, it looks like we got here just in time!"
One of them exclaimed.

Crimson Justice smiled.

"No need to thank me, just doing my job!"

He said.

And with a friendly wave, he took off into the sky .

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