Chapter 5: The Skull's Wicked Plot

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No one in Crimson Tower spoke or moved, until Crimson Justice moved closer to the screen with a hateful glare.
"Who the hell do you think you are?"
He demanded.
The villain stood up from his chair, showing off his cloak and black jumpsuit with a flaming skull logo on his chest.
" I told you who I am, but I haven't told you my plan for this pathetic city."

" Everything will burn, and from the ashes a new empire shall rise! "
He declared.

Crimson smiled clenched his fists at his sides.

" But why target my city and myself? "
"I have no affiliation with you, freak show."
He said.

DoomSkull laughed.
"Oh you're not affiliated with me?"
" No Crimson Justice, it's always been because of you. "

"Because of your mistake several years ago I am who I am."
" I remember all too well, but you've forgotten haven't you? "
He said.

Crimson Justice stared at the screen in confusion.
"M-Mistakes, I don't make mistakes!"
He said.

Suddenly DoomSkull slammed his fists on a nearby table.
"But that doesn't matter now, I've waited for too long."
" You will suffer on this day!"
He said.

Before Crimson Justice could say anything, the masked villain spoke to someone off screen.

"Silverbeast, bring her here."
He commanded.

And then a hulking African American man wearing a black jumpsuit lumbered into view, and he dragged a black haired woman wrapped in chains behind him.

Her brown eyes were red and raw from crying and her face was covered in cuts and bruises.
Crimson Justice could not believe his eyes.

He shouted.
DoomSkull laughed.
"That's right hero,we have your precious daughter."
" Face me alone or she dies! "

He demanded.
Crimson Justice glare at the screen, angry tears streaming down his face.
"You monster, I will hunt you down!"
He snarled.

"You'll find me at the clock tower downtown, you better hurry because soon she will die!"
" I'll be sending my men out in the meantime, so you'll face then first. "
" Tick tock hero, Casey's life depends on it. "

He said, as the video cut off.
Crimson Justice stood in silence, huddled up with Kristina and Julie.
"That fiend, how dare he hurt my daughter."

Kristina managed to say as a sob escaped her throat.
Crimson Justice pulled away.

"I know, that's why I don't have time to waste."
" I'll stop that monster and save Casey."
He said.
And then he pulled his suit open, the buttons popping off reveal his supersuit underneath.
Crimson Justice removed the rest of his party clothes and with one final look to his family he smiled.
"I'll be back, with Casey I promise."

He said.
And then he took off in-flight, crashing through the skylight.

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