Chapter 14 : The Truth Comes Out

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Crimson Justice hesitated for a moment, but he dashed backwards, narrowly avoiding Doomskull's flaming fists.

DoomSkull snarled with rage.
"You can't avoid me forever!"
He said.

Crimson Justice grinned as he charged forward.

"I'm not going anywhere!"
He said as he threw a punch at Doomskull's head.

DoomSkull cried out as the heroes fist struck his mask and created a series of cracks in the left side of it.
Crimson Justice smiled.

"Now we're even."
He said.
DoomSkull put a hand to his face, withdrawing his flame powers.
"Lucky shot hero, but that will be your last!"
He roared .

The villain charged forward with vicious speed and grabbed Crimson Justice by the throat.
Crimson Justice grunted in surprise.
Damn, that was fast I couldn't even see him move!
He thought.

DoomSkull's grip tightened on the heroes throat, and with his free hand he conjured flames once more.
"I'm done playing games with you Crimson Justice, this is where you draw your last breath!"
He growled.

And then he cocked back his enflamed fist, preparing for his kill shot.

Meanwhile, Phantom Girl and Cobalt Bullet were checking on Casey's unconscious form.
They huddled over her, patiently waiting.
Within a few seconds, the young woman's eyes slowly opened, as she sat up.
"W-What's going on?"

She said groggily.
Cobalt Bullet put a hand in her shoulder.
"Everything is all right Casey, your dad came to rescue you."
" We also came to help. "
He said.
Casey blinked the sleepiness from her eyes.
"I know you, you're Cobalt Bullet, and Phantom Girl!"
She said.
Phantom Girl nodded and smiled.
The two young heroes helped Casey up slowly.
Casey looked around the room, until she noticed two men fighting.
She shouted.
And then DoomSkull looked at her.
"Well, well look who's awake."
" You're just in time to see your father's demise! "
He laughed.
Casey ran away from the heroes and toward the battlefield.
" I won't let you! "
She screamed.
And with that distraction, Crimson Justice slipped from DoomSkull 's grip.
DoomSkull glared at him.
"You're not so lucky hero, your life ends here!"
He said.
And then the villain reactivated his flames and charged at Crimson Justice.
Crimson Justice grinned.
Not this time, Skullhead.
He thought.
With quick reflexes, he dodged Doomskull's rush, and punched the villain in the face,cracking the left side of the mask completely.
DoomSkull cried out as the mask shattered, exposing the left side of his face.
"Damn you!"
He said in an unaltered voice.
Crimson Justice moved closer, but when he saw the villains face he stopped in his tracks.
"No, this can't be!"
He exclaimed.
DoomSkull laughed.
"What's the matter Crimson Justice?"
" have you finally figured it out? "
He said, as he ripped his mask completely off.
The villain, now unmasked glared at Crimson Justice.
He shared similar facial features of Crimson Justice, but he had jet black hair and green eyes.
Crimson Justice was stunned.
"No,this is impossible!"
"Johnny what happened to you?"
He cried.
DoomSkull, or now known as Johnny glared at him with hate emblazoned eyes.
"Why so surprised big brother?
" After you failed to save our parents all those years ago, I made a better life for myself, I became a Biological scientist, studying super DNA so one day I could be just as super as you."

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