Chapter 6 : Shark Attack

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Soon, Crimson Justice traveled through Crimson City soaring through the sky keeping a watchful eye for Doomskull's minions.

As he surveyed the city, a sudden gust of wind hit his face.

He turned his head and saw a young man about eighteen years old besides him.

The young man was dressed in a cobalt blue super suit that had a symbol of a bullet, complete with black gloves, boots, and a domino mask that showed off his youthful face and green eyes.

His black spiky hair whipped in the wind as he flashed a smile towards Crimson Justice.

"Crimson Justice, I'm glad I caught up with you."

He said.

Crimson Justice smiled.

"Cobalt Bullet, I'm surprised you decided to join me."
"But where are the rest of the Brigade?"
he said.

The young hero named Cobalt Bullet grinned.

"Don't worry, they're on the ground fighting one of Doomskull's minions as we speak."

He said.

Crimson Justice looked at him with concern.

"Then we'd better hurry, where are they fighting?"

He asked.

Cobalt looked at him.

"Downtown, let's go!"
he said.

And then they sped up, heading towards the downtown district.

Soon they flew above the downtown streets and they saw it was in shambles, fires were burning, and debris was strewn across the ground, but there were no civilians in sight.

And in the middle of all the chaos, were the other members of the Justice Brigade battling a single assailant.

Crimson Justice and Cobalt Bullet touched down onto the street below ready to fight.

The sudden impact made the other heroes turn around.

"Crimson Justice!" "Cobalt Bullet!"

A female hero cried out.

The hero walked closer allowing Crimson Justice to recognized her.

She was a young girl in her twenties dressed in a black and silver one-piece bodysuit, matching boots and gloves and a black hooded cape covered her long red hair, and she wore a silver mask over her mouth.

"Phantom Girl, it looks like we arrived just in time."

Crimson Justice greeted her.

Phantom Girl nodded.

"So what are we dealing with here?"
Cobalt Bullet asked.

Phantom Girl led them towards the battle and pointed towards the villain.

"This guy seems like he has some sort of shark mutation, and he's really strong."
"I hope you can help us defeat him."

She said.

Crimson Justice stepped closer, as the other heroes and even the villain noticed.

"Ah, Crimson Justice finally the man I've been waiting for."

"I am Man-Shark, Doomskull entrusted me to defeat these little pipsqueaks you call teammates, but now that you're here you will be the main event!"

He snarled with a vicious rasp.

Crimson Justice glared at the villain, taking in his appearance.

The villain was tall, he only wore black form fitting pants, boots, he was bald, he had vicious black eyes and his skin was a mottled gray and white just like a great white shark.

"Hear this Man-Shark, your fight is with me now!"

He declared.

Man-Shark laughed, showing a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth.

"Good like I said you're the main event!"

He said.

Crimson Justice looked at the others

"Go now, I'll handle this."
"Thanks for the back up."

He said.

The Brigader's nodded simultaneously and headed off the battlefield leaving Crimson Justice face to face with Man- Shark.

Suddenly, Man-Shark charged forward with a vicious strike, punching Crimson Justice in the face.

Crimson Justice didn't flinch as he shook off the villain's attack.

"Is that it?"

"I thought you were much stronger than that!"
He said.

Man-Shark glared at him.

"That was just a warmup, perhaps I should really show you why I am called Man-Shark!"

He growled.

And then the villain concentrated, and he suddenly began to go through a horrible transformation.

His muscles twitched and contracted, his frame grew larger and bulkier, his face twisted into shark like proportions, and a long fin suddenly erupted from his skull and to complete the transformation his hands and feet grew black long sharp talons.

Finally Man-Shark stood before the hero in his true form, a hulking shark beast.

"Are you afraid, Crimson Justice?"

He said in a booming feral voice.

Crimson Justice didn't falter as he clenched his fists.

"You don't scare me villain, prepare for my attack!"

He said as he charged at the monstrous Man-Shark.

Crimson Justice threw a flurry of punches and kicks at the villain's face and chest making the beast step back, without any visible damage.

"That tickles, your attacks are like a child's."

Man-Shark cackled.

And with a vicious roar, the beast charged at Crimson Justice and threw a powerful clothesline strike at him, making the hero fall to the ground.

Crimson Justice cried out as he hit the street.

The hero slowly got to his feet, covered with cuts and scratches and his suit was slightly torn.

"I underestimated you villain, but you'll have to try harder than that to stop me!"

He said.

Man-Shark glared at him.

"I'm not finished just yet!"

He roared.

He then charged at the hero again with his mouth wide open.

Crimson Justice dodged the vicious assault by leaping over the hulking beast and kicked him in the head.

Man-Shark cried out in pain as he collided into a building, sending a shower of bricks and mortar into his face.

Man-Shark roared with rage.

"Now you've pissed me off!"
He bellowed.

Crimson Justice readied himself and charged at the villain as a last effort, his fists cocked and loaded.

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