Chapter 15 : A Hero of Legend

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Crimson Justice held back a a sob in throat.
"But why Johnny, we loved you!"
" Why do all this now? "
He demanded.

Johnny moved closer.
"Are you really that dense?"
" Mom and dad loved you even more, when you powers manifested. "

"I was just the normal uninteresting son!"
He growled.
"As soon as you became a hero you got everything, but that day an earthquake devastated our home in Jade city."
" And you messed up by allowing them to be crushed by falling debris, and what did you do? "

"You were busy gaining superhero popularity and left me with the pain and the rage, I resented you that day and I still do!"
He snarled.
Crimson Justice was taken aback.
" I understand why you hate me, brother . "
" But giving yourself powers and becoming DoomSkull is just insane, you could have talked to me about this! "
He said.
Johnny grinned wickedly.
"It's too late for that, big brother one of us dies tonight!"
He screamed, as he charged towards Crimson Justice with both hands inflamed.
Crimson Justice didn't move, as Johnny 's fist exploded through the hero's chest.
Crimson Justice cried out , blood spilling from the gaping wound and his mouth.
Casey screamed in terror.
Johnny laughed wickedly, as he pulled his arm back, and it splashed him with his brothers blood all over his face.
"Finally, my revenge is complete!"
He said as Crimson Justice hit the floor.
Johnny stood over him with a psychopathic grin.
"Goodbye brother, say hello to mom and dad for me."
He cackled.
And then the villain looked to Silverbeast, who was waiting patiently in the corner of the room.
"Come along Silverbeast, it's time to leave."
He commanded.
The large man nodded.
"Yes DoomSkull."
He said.
And then, Johnny pulled a gray pellet from his glove and he threw it down and the room was filled with a pillar of thick smoke filled the room.
Once the smoke cleared, Cobalt Bullet, Phantom Girl, Casey, Crimson Justice, and the still unconscious Black Viper were alone.
The heroes and Casey knelt by Crimson Justice, and Casey held her father's head in her lap.
"Please dad, don't die on us now."
"We need you!"
She sobbed.
Crimson Justice looked up at her, smiling weakly.
"I'm sorry Casey, but I don't think I can heal from this."
"My organs are far too damaged."
He coughed, blood speckling his lips.
Casey held him closer, as tears fell from her cheeks.
"Tell your mother and sister I love them..."
He trailed off, as the life faded from him.
Casey stared at him.
" Daddy, please don't go! "
She cried, as she buried her face into his neck.
Casey was silent for a moment, until she raised her head and sobbed harder,her tears falling into her father's face.
Cobalt Bullet stood over her , putting a hand in her shoulder.
"I'm sorry Casey, but he's gone."
He said.
Casey 's head dropped down, her eyes looking to the floor now.
She spoke , unable to look at him.
"DoomSkull 's.... Going... To .... Pay!
She grunted.
Her sobbing faded, as rage began to swirl inside of her.
Suddenly red lighting crackled above her, and within her palms, her eyes turned an electric red, her hair stood up and also turned red, and finally she let out a rageful cry that echoed through the building.
Cobalt Bullet and Phantom Girl could not believe their eyes as the red lighting storm grew stronger.
" Holy shit, what's going on? "
Cobalt Bullet managed to say over the noise.
Phantom Girl looked at him.
"I think she's doing this, Casey's a super!"
She shouted.
Cobalt Bullet moved closer to Casey.
"Casey I know your upset, you have to stop now!"
" the building is going to collapse! "
He shouted.
Casey looked at him, her red eyes burning with hatred.
"Then go, take my father and go!"
She snarled.
Cobalt Bullet was surprised by the anger in her voice, but he didn't hesitate to scoop up Crimson Justice's corpse.
Casey's lighting storm grew wilder, as the bolts fell faster exploding into the floor creating cracks and each impact shook the  entire building.
Phantom Girl and Cobalt Bullet began to leave, but Phantom Girl noticed Black Viper.
"We can't leave her here!"
She shouted over the raging storm.
Cobalt Bullet nodded.
"Grab her, and then we need to leave now!"
He shouted back .
Phantom Girl quickly scooped up the unconscious villain, but then looked over to Casey who was now in her feet, her arms stretched out, and tears of rage and sorrow streaming down her face.
Cobalt Bullet looked back.
"Phantom Girl let's go, there's nothing we can do to stop her!"  He said.
Phantom Girl nodded, and the young heroes quickly escaped Doomskull's tower.
Both heroes stood outside, trying to catch their breath.
"That was scary, but we shouldn't of left Casey."
Cobalt Bullet said.
Phantom Girl nodded.
"I know, but she's far too gone now."
She said .
But then a police car pulled up on the street, the siren screaming.
The car stopped and a man stepped out.
He was around five feet ten,he had graying black hair,blue eyes,  and he was dressed in a white police chief shirt, black pants, and shoes.
"Cobalt Bullet, Phantom Girl what the hell is going on?"
He said.
"Chief Stone, DoomSkull escaped, and Crimson Justice is dead."
Phantom Girl said somberly.
Chief Stone looked over to Cobalt Bullet who was still carrying Crimson Justice.
"My God, he's dead."
" that's horrible, but what's going on in the tower, and who's that girl? "
He asked.
Phantom Girl moved closer.
"This is Black Viper, one of DoomSkull's associates."
She said.
Hernandez nodded.
"All right,put her in my car."
" And as for Crimson Justice take him to Crimson Tower, his family will want to mourn. "
He said.
Cobalt Bullet nodded, as he began to fly up.
"Hope this turns out well "
"Phantom Girl, go home and get some rest.
He said, just as he took off in flight.
Phantom Girl and the chief stood alone.
" So in the tower is Crimson Justice's oldest daughter Casey, and because of her father's death she unlocked her super powers, and she's in an uncontrolled rage. "
She said.
The chief looked shocked .
"Damn, poor kid."
He said.
And then he then pulled out his radio.
"Attention all units, help is needed with the tower  downtown."
" But be advised a newly turned super is trapped inside and it's coming down. "
He said.
And then he and Phantom Girl waited for back up to arrive.

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