Chapter 16 : Family Reunited

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Crimson City General hospital was a busy place as civilians young and old were admitted and taken care of, while one civilian was alone in her own room.
She was unconscious, but in stable condition.
The young woman had crimson red hair, and her eyes were closed, and she wore a powder blue gown.
But then her eyes slowly opened.
Casey blinked as her surroundings came into focus and she was disoriented by the bright lights.
Casey moved to put a hand to her face and shield her eyes, but she was jerked back by wires attached to get arm and chest.
What the hell?
She thought.
Casey looked around the room, which was small room and the walls were painted a dark blue shade and four chairs were positioned around the bed.
How did I get here? What's going on?
She pondered.
Her thoughts were soon interrupted, as four people entered the room.
Casey's eyes lit up as she recognized them.
"Mom, Julie!"
She cried out.
Kristina and Julie looked well, both dressed in black dresses and shoes.
They hugged Casey tightly.
"We were so worried that you wouldn't wake up!"
Kristina sobbed.
Casey hugged then back.
"You didn't have to worry, I'm fine."
She said.
Kristina and Julie pulled away and sat in the chairs closest to the bed.
Casey then noticed the other visitors.
One was a young man and the other was a young woman.
The man had black spiky hair, chocolate brown eyes, and he was wearing a black leather jacket, a gray shirt sleeved shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers.
The woman had long red hair, sapphire blue eyes, and she wore a black tank top that bared her midriff and a red plaid shirt and black leggings, and she wore red Chuck Taylor shoes.
"Who are you two?"
Casey asked.
The young man smiled.
"You don't recognize us?"
" It's me Cobalt Bullet and that's Phantom Girl. "
He said.
"But our real names are Colby Brentwood and Penelope Goodman."
He finished.
Casey was silent, until she realized it.
"Oh my god it is you!"
She said as she got up from the bed and hugged them.
"I'm so sorry for endangering you both!"
Casey said , bursting into tears.
Colby patted her head gently with one hand.
"It's ok Casey, no hard feelings."
He said.
Penelope put a hand in Casey's shoulder.
"Yeah you don't have to apologize."
She beamed.
Casey then pulled away and looked back to Kristina.
"I missed the funeral, didn't I?"
She asked.
Kristina nodded.
"But it was beautiful, everyone now knows Christopher Jaybeck is Crimson Justice and his sacrifice was his final act."
She said.
Casey smiled.
"That's good, where did you bury dad?"
She said.
Kristina grabbed her daughters hand.
"Behind our building, the mayor had a grave site built along with a statue in Crimson Justice's honor."
She said.
Casey squeezed her mother's hand lovingly.
"That's wonderful, dad would have loved to see a monument in his honor."
She said.
Kristina nodded, as Julie moved to Casey's side and hugged her.
"I'm glad you're ok Casey, I love you."
The young girl said through tears.
Casey held her sister close.
"I love you too sis."
Later that day, Casey was discharged from the hospital and the family along with Colby and Penelope went back to Crimson Tower.
They soon enjoyed a peaceful dinner until Casey quietly excused herself.
Casey roamed the halls until she reached the outdoor exit and stepped outside.
She walked along the path and stopped by the newly placed gravestone and the Crimson Justice statue.
The headstone read : Christopher Jaybeck, father and hero to all.
Casey smiled and let out a small laugh.
"I miss you dad, I wish I could of gotten to thank you for everything."
She said, as she began to cry.
Casey closed her eyes as images of her father and DoomSkull 's vile act flashed in her head.
Suddenly her tears of sorrow were replaced by anger.
She opened her eyes which were now filled with pure unadulterated rage.
"I know what I have to do now."
She said, her voice full of venom.

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