Chapter 13 : Face Your Doom

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Crimson Justice struggled to get to his feet, but the pain held him down.
But then he heard footsteps, and a skeletal masked face stared down at him.
"My, My it looks like Silverbeast did a number on you."
"Maybe this will help you stand like a man!"
He said,as he pulled the body he was dragging into view.
It was a young woman with black hair brown eyes, torn clothing, and covered in bruises, and she was unconscious.
Crimson Justice blinked for a moment, but he recognized her.
"What did you do to her!?"
He cried out.
Crimson Justice jumped to his feet as adrenaline coursed through his veins.
DoomSkull dropped Casey, the young woman hit the floor in a crumpled heap.
The villain then moved closer to Crimson Justice.
"Don't worry your daughter isn't dead, not yet anyway."
He cackled.
Crimson Justice glared at him.
"Your reign of terror ends here, after all this you'll be locked up forever!"
He said.
DoomSkull laughed once more.
"Prove your worth hero, attack me if you dare!"
He taunted.
Crimson Justice grit his teeth, and then charged at the villain with his fists locked and loaded.
But then DoomSkull rushed forward, catching Crimson Justice 's fist in his palm with frightening speed.
Crimson Justice stopped in his tracks, stunned.
What the hell? He caught my punch like it was nothing
He thought.
Suddenly, DoomSkull's grip on the heroes fist tightened, and pulled him into a vicious punch, that struck his face and broke his nose.
Crimson Justice cried out in pain,as blood dripped down his face and stained his teeth.
But then his healing factor kicked in , mending his shattered nose.
DoomSkull growled, and stepped back for a moment.
"Your healing factor is an annoying obstacle, but no matter I'll break you as many times I need to."
He said.
Crimson Justice clenched his fists, and a cocky smile spread across his face.
"Bring it on skull face."
He taunted.
The lenses in DoomSkull's mask turned a violent red shade and he snarled with rage.
"I won't hold back anymore, you old fool!"
And then he stretched out his hands, and they suddenly ignited with blue flames.
Crimson Justice didn't falter, despite his heart hammering in his chest.
"You're pyromancer, what other powers are you hiding?"
He said.
DoomSkull laughed.
"This isn't all I have in store for you, but enough talk I'm going to roast you alive!"
He said ,as he charged forward with inflamed fists.

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