Chapter 8 : DoomSkull 's Tower

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Meanwhile, deep within DoomSkull 's tower Crimson Justice 's daughter Casey was alone in a dark room still imprisoned.

She sat on a chair, her hands zip-tied and a black cloth was tied into her mouth , gagging her .
Her eyes darting around the room searching for a way to escape.

Come on dad where are you?
She thought.
But then the sound of someone entering the room broke her thoughts.

"And how is out little prisoner doing?"
A modulated voice asked.
Casey looked him in the eye as he came closer.
The young woman 's gaze didn't falter as the familiar skeletal masked face was inches from hers and she shot him a hateful glare.

DoomSkull laughed.
"Glare at me all you want Casey, soon enough I'll be killing you ."
" But if your super zero father comes to save you, you'll be only able to watch as he dies. "
He said.

Casey spoke, but her words were distorted from the gag.
DoomSkull moved closer and pulled the gag from her mouth.
"What was that now?"

He said.
Casey glared at him gritting her teeth with anger.
"I said fuck you!"

She shouted.
DoomSkull cackled.
"Oh my such a filthy mouth, and you're supposed to be a daughter of Crimson Justice?"
He said.

Casey glared at him again.
"My father is going to make you wish you were never born, you'll regret kidnapping me!"
She spat.

Doomskull's lenses suddenly turned a bloody red.
"No foolish girl, he's going to regret trying to save you."
He said viciously.
Casey opened her mouth to retort, but the villain shoved the gag back into her mouth, and turned away to leave the room.

Casey screamed at the top of her lungs, but her cried were muffled by the black piece of fabric in her mouth.

DoomSkull then went into another room, where Silverbeast was waiting for him.
"Silverbeast, has Man-Shark returned?"
He asked.

Silverbeast shook his head.

" No sir, I believe Crimson Justice has defeated him. "
He said.
The large man then turned on the big screen tv in the room and it showed a news report featuring Crimson Justice.

"Earlier today Crimson Justice was shown battling a shark- like creature downtown and it was one climatic battle."

" The creature is now in police custody and has been taken to the superhuman prison known as Black Croft Island. "
The reporter concluded.
DoomSkull glared at the screen, his lenses during a violent yellow shade.

"Damn you Crimson Justice, but no matter I still have you Silverback."
" how's our new recruit? "
"Is she ready?"

He asked.
Silverbeast nodded.
"I think so sir, she's been itching to get her hands on any hero, especially Crimson Justice."
He said.

DoomSkull looked at the large man, as he laughed.
"Good, because it seems Crimson Justice is finally here."
He said as he switched the tv over to a security feed, that showed the hero and his young proteges hovering over the towers roof.

"Now go let our new recruit know, her skills shall be useful to us after all."
DoomSkull commanded.
Silverback nodded.

"Yes sir!"
He said as he left the room.
Now DoomSkull was alone he continued to stare at the screen.

"I'm actually glad your here Crimson Justice, I'm going to enjoy killing you while your daughter watches."
He said to himself.

Outside the tower,the three heroes landed in the roof and surveyed their surroundings.
And then Cobalt Bullet broke the silence.

"Crimson Justice, you don't think they know we're here do you?"

He asked.
Crimson Justice looked at the young man.
"I don't know kid, but we need to find a way inside."
He said.

The hero then knelt on the tower surface and noticed a panel with a handle on it.
"Here,I think this is a service entrance, we can get in through the vents."

He said.
Cobalt Bullet rushed to his mentor's side as did Phantom Girl.
"Good work Crimson Justice!"

He beamed.
And then Crimson Justice opened the service hatch and the three heroes slid inside .
The vent space was dim and tightly compact, but the heroes crawled on their bellies silently.

A few paces later, the approached a grate and they could see a room below.
"It looks like the room is empty, that's good."
Crimson Justice whispered.

Cobalt Bullet and Phantom Girl nodded.
"So what's the plan?"

Phantom Girl asked.
"We drop down, quietly."
He said.

And then Crimson Justice gripped the metal grate with both hands and ripped it from the vent opening and put it aside .
Crimson Justice then positioned himself over the hole and carefully lowered himself down and landed quietly in the floor.

He then looked around the room, and the looked back up to the vent.
"Its clear, come on down you two." He called up softly .

And then the two heroes silently dropped from the vent and joined Crimson Justice.
"Now what Crimson Justice?"

Cobalt Bullet asked.
Crimson Justice looked at him.
"Now we find Casey."
He said.
But then the sound of a pipe hitting the ground filled the room.

"What was that!?"
Phantom Girl exclaimed.
Crimson Justice out his arm out , signaling the young heroes to stay back.

"I don't know, but be prepared."
He said.
Crimson Justice scanned the room for a possible enemy, but then something caught his eye.
A few inches from his face was a shimmering silhouette.

Instinctively, he struck out and his fist collided with somethings face.
"So you figured out my power, Crimson Justice?"
A feminine voice said.

And then she revealed herself.
Standing in front of Crimson Justice was a woman around eighteen years old.
she was five feet ten in height, she was dressed in a tan tank top, camouflage pants, no shoes showing off her black painted toenails, her skin was a pale light brown and tattooed with small reptilian scales, her hair was black and done as deadlocks and her eyes were an ice cold blue like a snakes.
"Who are you?"

Crimson Justice asked.
The woman smiled wickedly.
" I am Black Viper, DoomSkull's new recruit. "
Her voice dripping with seductive venom.

Crimson Justice glared at her, his fists tightening.
"He knows we're here, doesn't he?"

He said.
Black Viper nodded.
"Yes, and he sent me to collect you, with or without a fight."
She said.
Crimson Justice smiled.
"Is that so?"

" then take me to him and my daughter. "
He demanded.
Black Viper laughed, the sound reminiscent of a snakes hiss.

"You can't be serious, I was expecting you to fight me but fine by me."
She said as she grabbed him by the arm in a tight grip , digging her black finger nails into his skin.

Black Viper 's gaze then shifted to the young heroes.
"Follow us, and don't try anything or I'll kill you."
She said viciously.

The two heroes nodded with compliance as the villain and Crimson Justice walked out of the room

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