Epilogue: New Justice

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Soon it was midnight and Crimson City was quiet, but far from the city Blackcroft Island was nearing lockdown for the night.
Inside the building, was as large and spacious like two bunkers combined.
There were two floors of the cellblock and rows of cells side by side.
Each cell had metal barred gates and for extra security all inmates wore thick black collars that blocked their superhuman abilities.
Armed guards that wore black and gray uniforms roamed the cellblock, checking in the sleeping inmates.
One guard peeked into the closest cell containing the villainous Black Viper.
He saw the sleeping form of the young woman laid out on the metal cot.
He briefly shined his flashlight into the cell, the beam of light illuminating her black hair and gray prison jumpsuit.
"All clear!"
He called out to the nearest guard.
The other guard threw up a thumbs up.
"All right, lights out!"
Said a third guard,as all the lights were slowly turned off.
The guard standing by Black Viper 's cell turned his back to the metal bars and started to walk away.
But then a slender hand snaked through the bars and snatched the keys off his belt.
The guard was unaware of his missing key ring and finally walked away.
Black Viper pulled the key ring into her cell and inserted a key matching the collar lock and twisted as the collar fell to the floor.
"Good thing I paid off one of the guards to keep my collar turned off."
" luckily he was already loyal to DoomSkull".
She cackled.
Soon, all the other guards left the cellblock and it was quiet and dark.
Suddenly, a flash of red lighting exploded through the building, and a black cloaked figure appeared in the room.
The figure also wore a red and black jumpsuit with the initials CS written in electric red letters , black boots and gloves, and a black and red leather mask over their mouth and hazel eyes focused on the cells.
The figure then reached up and drew down the hood, allowing her crimson red hair to fall into her shoulders.
Now which cell contains one of DoomSkull 's lackeys?
She thought.
The woman moved closer and peeked into the closest cell and saw a man dressed in a gray jumpsuit and he had gray and white mottled skin .
The inmate laid on the metal cot deep asleep, as the woman stretched out a hand and concentrated.
Suddenly red energy erupted from her palm and struck the key lock, destroying  it and the cell door opened.
The woman walked into the cell and approached the sleeping inmate.
The woman spoke.
"Get up."
She demanded, her voice distorted by the mask.
The inmate turned over, groggy and disoriented.
"What the hell!?"
He said as he was stared down by the masked woman .
"Who the fuck are you?"
He shouted.
The woman grabbed him by the lapel and slammed him into the nearest wall.
" I am Crimson Storm, and you're going to tell me where DoomSkull is , Man-Shark! "
She demanded.
Man-Shark cried out in terror.
"I don't know where he is,please don't hurt me!"
He whimpered.
Crimson Storm glared at him.
"Don't lie to me fish-face, you worked for him!"
She snarled.
Crimson Storm then raised a fist and punched the villain in the face.
"Where is he!"
She asked again .
Man-Shark cried out in pain.
"I told you I don't know!"
He said.
Crimson Storm made a low growl in her throat as her fist was engulfed with red lighting.
"Last chance, tell me where DoomSkull is or you die!"
She threatened.
Man-Shark didn't flinch.
"Go ahead kill me, hero."
He said , unafraid.
Crimson Storm didn't hesitate as her lighting punch exploded through Man-Shark's head and burrowed into his skull.
"Useless piece of shit!"
Crimson Storm said as she pulled her bloodied fist back from the villain's ruptured head.
Crimson Storm then headed out of the cell,but then red lights flashed around the cellblock and the blaring of a siren echoed through the room.
And then every cell opened and the inmates stepped out and ran amok.
During the commotion, the guards came into the room with looks of panic.
"What the hell!"
" how did they get out? "
One guard managed to say.
Crimson Storm battled her way through the inmates, until she spotted someone in the main hall.
Black Viper stood inches from her, swinging a black baton and the key ring in her other hand.
"Black Viper, you did this !?"
Crimson Storm said.
The young woman turned around.
"That's right, and I'm returning to my boss DoomSkull!"
She said.
Crimson Storm glared at her
"No you're going to tell me where DoomSkull is hiding,so I can kill him!"
She said.
Black Viper laughed.
"And why do you want to do that?"
" is it because he killed your daddy? "
She taunted.
Crimson Storm was surprised by the villan's statement, but she regained her composure.
"It's more than that, he took my life away from me!"
She shouted.
Black Viper grinned wickedly.
"If you want me so bad, you'll have to catch me!"
She said as she took off running.
Crimson Storm ran after her, taking then out of the prison.
It began to rain hard as a thunder storm raged on.
Crimson Storm lost sight of her prey and she had a look of rage on her face.
"I'll find you Black Viper!"
She cried out into the night.

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