Chapter 3: Its Almost Party Time

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A few minutes later, Crimson Justice walked into the ballroom of Crimson Tower where Kristina and a young girl around thirteen years old were decorating the walls with party decorations.

Once he was close enough,Crimson Justice spoke

"How do I look?"
He asked.

Kristina turned around, stepping off a small step ladder.

"You look handsome dear, but you're keeping the mask on?"
She said, noticing her husband was still wearing the domino mask.

Crimson Justice nodded with a chuckle.
"I know, but I'll keep it on until we decide to reveal my identity."
He said.

Kristina and the girl moved in to hug him.
Crimson Justice held the girl with fatherly affection.
"Hi Daddy, I can't wait until you're retired."
She said.

Crimson Justice smiled.

"Me too Julie, me too." He told her.
After a moment, Crimson Justice pulled away.

Julie looked at him with a smile and put two hands at her sides showing off her blue party dress and black ballet flats, and her blonde hair was done in a ponytail.

Crimson Justice smiled back .
"You look so pretty in your dress sweetie."
He said .
Julie beamed brightly, her hazel eyes shining with happiness.
"Thanks daddy, but enough about me don't you like the decorations?"
She said, showing her dad the crimson red and black streamers and balloons that were the decorations.
The hero looked around the room.
"You two did great, it looks very festive in here."
He said.

Kristina smiled.
"Thanks honey, it took an hour but I think it looks great too." She said.

Crimson Justice hugged her and kissed her forehead.
And then he looked around once again.

"Where's Casey, wasn't she supposed to help out?" He said, mentioning his eldest daughter .
Kristina nodded.

"Yes she is helping, I actually sent her to buy the drinks and snacks."
" She should be back soon, ill just give her a call. " She said before pulling out her phone from her purse.

Meanwhile, on the streets of Crimson City a young woman about 19 years old with black hair pulled into a pony tail, she had Brown eyes, she wore a brown leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and long black boots.

The woman also carried a tall brown shopping bag filled with snacks and drinks.
She was just leaving the supermarket and walked out of the parking lot and stepped onto the curb to hail a taxi.

While she waited , she retrieved her cellphone from her pocket one handed.
She clicked on the screen to see a missed call message displayed, it read
"Mom" .
The woman sighed.
"Damn it Casey, you're going to be late for dad's retirement party! "
she said to herself.
But then someone came up behind her without her realizing it.
She turned around just in time to see a large muscular man behind her.

The man was dressed in a black jumpsuit, with studded metal armbands and boots but the most frightening thing about him is he wore a metal skull mask over his mouth , he was bald and he had sinister gray eyes and he was African American.
Casey stepped back in fear, colliding with the large man's chest and she dropped the bag spilling its contents onto the pavement. 

The man suddenly grabbed her by the throat with a rough grip.
Casey opened her mouth to scream, but the man squeezed her throat hard, making the girl pass out.

The large man then tossed the unconscious girl onto his shoulder, and then raised his arm to his mouth and pressed a button on it.

"Tell the boss I have the girl, I'll be at the base shortly." He said in a gruff baritone .
He then clicked off the communicator and walked away into the city.

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