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I heard them both approaching, and I panicked slightly. What if they found out? What if they will hate me? Well I had better not let them find out or things will get nasty...

I walked up to the furnace and pretended that I was cooking something. BadBoyHalo walked in through the door, and I almost had a heart attack. I had never been this scared in my entire life! What was wrong with me!? Get with it a6d!

'Hi a6d! You good man?' Bad asked me and all of a sudden I felt guilty. Guilty for what was about tot happen, for what I had done. Bad was so innocent and sweet. I wanted to stop time and fix things, but I couldn't it was too late. I gulped. 'Hi Bad! Where have you been?' 

'Oh, I went to a flower forest with Skeppy and he gave me a flower...' Bad replied, excitedly. I was taken aback. They didn't care that much for each other right? I thought they were just friends, not really close friends. I started doubting my plan. 

'Uhhh a6d, you zoned out!' 

'Oh right sorry.'

Skeppy walked in looking terrified. 'Uhhh guys, there's an enderman outside...' he panicked and I bit my lip. 'I can't sleep,' I replied. 

'We have to fight this!' BadBoyHalo said in a tough voice. 'We have no other choice...' I slipped on my armour and realised this was the perfect opportunity for his plan to take place. 'Bad, you gonna wear your lucky golden helmet?' Bad nodded, and opened his chest. 

'Where is it?!' he trailed off, a look of shock appearing on his face, while a look of triumph was appearing on mine, although I tried to hide it. 'What do you mean,' Skeppy replied, thinking nothing of it. 

'I can't find my helmet Skeppy...' 

'Oh, where did you last see it?' 

'Don't play games with me, I know you took it as a troll...'

'No I didn't! I've been with you this whole time!' Skeppy protested, genuinely afraid that he might lose Bad.

I stood at the side, with my heart beating fast as I destroyed a strong relationship. I felt happy, but also really guilty. The pair kept fighting, and fighting, until it turned physical. They began to full on pvp and that's not what I wanted. 

I attempted to break the fight, which I did, but they were still wounded. BadBoyHalo collapsed to the floor, and Skeppy showed no sympathy. He walked out and slammed the door. 

I threw some food over to Bad, who was wincing with pain. He ate up and began to heal while I went outside to see Skeppy. He had built up to the roof and was watching the stars. He was also holding a beautiful cornflower in his hands.

I saw tears welling in his eyes, and I realised I had made a really big mistake. I built up also, and apologised. He smiled with sympathy.

'You don't need to apologise, a6d. You did nothing wrong.' 

I felt a stab to my heart as I heard that and it hit me that I was the cause of this mess. I wanted to tell him and do the right thing, but the words couldn't make it out of my mouth. I was silent, as Skeppy jumped off the roof and ran into the woods. I made no effort to follow him.

Thank you for reading part 8 of ~Far From Home~ (The Trio)

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