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Everything was quiet. Deathly quiet. I was in such a state of shock that I couldn't speak. BadBoyHalo said nothing. I began to get worried. I felt like I was staring at a lifeless character. 'Bad, say something. I'm getting worried...' He didn't move. 

'I-it's all my fault...' he whispered. He sprinted off in a random direction and I followed him shouting 'Bad, don't leave me, your all I have left!' We reached a plains biome and Bad slumped to the floor. I couldn't see him crying but I knew he was. I sat down next to him and didn't say a word until he calmed down. 

'It is not your fault, Bad. We have looked for him for ages and our persistence just... hasn't payed off.' BadBoyHalo sniffed. 'If we found him quicker, he might not have died...' I didn't have any reply that would make the situation better. 

I felt awful inside. All the memories were flooding back as vivid as ever. When I met him for the first time, when we trolled Bad together... It was painful knowing that we wouldn't ever see him again. Then I realised I was the one who got us into this mess. 

It was my  fault that a6d died. If I hadn't found the cursed texture pack, none of this would have ever happened. I didn't know what to do or how to get us out of this mess. This time there was no getting out. Death is permanent. No second chances.

The day bled into night, and it started to rain. The lightning stuck hills in the distance and mobs began to spawn. I was going to stay strong for a6d, though. I wasn't going to give up. I would not let a6d down. 

I grabbed BadBoyHalo's arm and pulled him up. 'We have to fight the ender dragon.' I said, determinedly. Bad didn't look convinced. 

'But we could die...' 

'It's a risk I'm willing to take.'

Bad looked away, towards the hills. After a few seconds, he turned back to me. His eyes were ablaze with ferocity and strength.

'It's a risk I'm willing to take also.' 

I grinned and hugged Bad really tightly. He hugged me back and I felt safe. We could do this, just the two of us. And it will make a difference. It will be for a6d. 


I didn't want to let go of Skeppy. I had never lost anybody in my life that I really cared about, and now I didn't want to lose him. 'Can you make me a promise?' I asked, my voice muffled. 'Yeah...?' 

'If you go, will you always be there to watch over me?' 

'Of course... promise me the same.'

'I will always be there for you Skeppy...'

For the next few minutes, Skeppy and I cried over each other's shoulders, in a plea that maybe a miracle would happen. 

A miracle.

Only a miracle could solve something like this.

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