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I gasped as a6d ran out of the house. BadBoyHalo and I glanced at each other, confused. 'I bet you he is planning something else...' I said, firmly. Bad nodded and looked worried. 

'You don't think he's gonna...'

'Gonna what?' I asked

'Gonna... kill one of us...'

I panicked, but I knew that a6d had a good heart and wouldn't do that. Or would he? My thoughts worked up a storm inside my head, and I couldn't take it any longer. 'We have to follow him.' I confirmed. 

Bad looked uneasy. 'But, he might see us...' 

'He won't. Follow me.' 

I squinted my eyes and could just make out a6d running into the flower forest across the plains. I started to sprint after him, but he turned around and I quickly sneaked. 'Skeppy, you need to be more careful!' Bad whispered angrily. I shrugged. 'I wasn't seen, so it's not a problem.' 

'But you could have been caught...' 


I sneaked up against a tree and BadBoyHalo did the same. It was deathly quiet, like something was about to strike. I tried to limit my heavy breathing, and stay as still as a statue, but I was trembling. 

a6d no longer seemed like a friend. He seemed more like a criminal. I wasn't quite sure what we could categorise what he did, but it was wrong either way. The main thing was I didn't trust a6d. I couldn't trust a6d, after what he did. 

He was just standing there, like he had gone afk. The flower forest no longer looked pretty. The flowers drooped and the trees lost their vibrancy. a6d looked down and began to cry. 

The sound hit my heart, right where it hurt, and I felt sorry for him. Part of me wanted to go out there and comfort him, but I knew that wasn't the right idea. His tears shattered me and I felt like crying also.

I snuck a glance at BadBoyHalo, who also looked as if he was having a hard time. I signalled that we needed to go back, it was no longer safe. We managed to run back safely and get back into the house. 



It had been a full day, and still a6d hadn't returned back. 

It was worrying me considerably, and I couldn't concentrate. There was an awkward silence between Skeppy and I which wasn't helping either. 

'I'm going to look for a6d.' I insisted. 'Alone.'

Skeppy looked unsure and I eventually convinced him. He wasn't speaking in chat and we hadn't seen or heard from him for half a day. 

I left the house and sprinted towards the flower forest where we saw a6d last. I tried to think about what I would say, and how I would tell him. He wasn't emotionally stable at the moment and I didn't want to be his trigger. 

I walked in on the small patch of grass where he was last, and I was filled with shock. He wasn't here. 

a6d had run away.

Thank you for reading part 6 of ~Far From Home~ (The Trio)

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