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Preference for the spook season.



You two went as Tarzan and Jane.

You didn't really do much, just passing around candy and going to Allison's costume party.

You both binged a lot of Halloween movies too, but not really scary ones. Just ones like Hocus Pocus or Coraline or Nightmare Before Christmas.


He dressed up as Diego from Dora the Explorer as a joke, thinking you'd go as Dora, but things go miscommunicated and you showed up on Halloween night wearing a leather suit with knives on it and a mask.

You guys didn't go trick or treating, but instead went to a Haunted House. Diego was acting all tough throughout the entire ride over there but as soon as he saw a creepy doctor with a bloody syringe, he ran through the rest of it screaming.

You both watched all of the Final Destination films together.


She had recently starred in a Stephen King film that you both went to the premiere to. It was awesome, since you both went in gothic attire and spider earrings and necklaces.

She brought you to a haunted hotel escape room in which you had to go through five floors to make it to your room. It was so much fun, and the bedrooms were fabulous.

You both binged Charmed and Supernatural while eating candy you both "had bought for trick-or-treaters that didn't show up"


You both dressed up as skeletons and brought your nieces trick or treating around the neighborhoods. This involved visiting houses multiple times in the night, and stealing the bowls that said "take one". Then having candy hangovers in the morning.

You also went to a Halloween party at an abandoned warehouse, playing random Halloween themed party games and went around TPing people's houses.

You watched every Conjuring movie and the Exorcist along with old Scooby Doo movies.


After a long marathon of trying to convince him, you managed to get him to go as a greaser and you as a soc girl. You both went trick or treating because you both looked like kids and afterwards, went to the house and threw a family Halloween party.

He took you to a haunted corn maze where you got chased by fake killers and afterwards, got to see a witch trial reenactment. Educational and spooky as he put it.

You both watched Chernobyl and The Twilight Zone, eating caramel apples. Lots of caramel apples.


You both were ghosts. Of course you went around scaring people with your supernatural abilities. You went to those "haunted" houses that teens go to for truth or dare or something, and start going ballistic, screaming so loud the humans can hear and tearing up everything you can manage. Their reactions are priceless.

He took you to a new museum opening featuring bizarre attractions and scary tales from history, since he knew you were a nut for those things. There actually was an exhibit on The Umbrella Academy and one on your murder.

Since you can interact with TVs and prefer reading anyway, you both read Edgar Allen Poe and HP Lovecraft to eachother by the fireplace. It was so scenic, you could've ripped it straight out of one of those home improvement magazines.


She dressed up as the Phantom of the Opera and you dressed up as Christine. On Halloween night, she brought you to a showing of the Phantom of the Opera at the art gallery, and you both cuddled and watched the movie on a picnic blanket.

You both had been in a recital in which everyone played covers of classic Halloween songs and it was so much fun. It wasn't like the normal recitals in which everything was strict and serious, it was more like a concert with how laid back it was.

You watched a lot of Tim Burton, such as The Corpse Bride, The Headless Horseman, and Edward Scissorhands. You also watched Carrie, which was a treat for both of you as it was your favorite book.

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