{Diego} Hot Cocoa

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{Sorry this is so short, but I wrote this at like 2 am last night out of pure boredom and put it out on my tumblr and didn't bother copying it down here till now. Hope you enjoy this short Diego fluff!}

You watched the two red mugs rotate over and over, listening to the distant buzz of the TV in the other room. You had to put the cocoa in twice just to get it hot enough, something that annoyed you when you could be seated next to the handsome man on your couch. You looked over at said man, smiling softly. His eyes were currently locked on the tiny flatscreen you owned, with all of his attention focused on whatever action film he had picked this time.

A loud beep interrupted your thoughts. The cocoa was done, or as done it was going to get at least. You opened the microwave and grabbed the two mugs, quickly making your way back into the living room.

Diego, the handsome man that also happened to be your boyfriend, looked up at you and smiled, moving so you could sit down and place the two cups on the coffee table.

"How hard is cocoa to make for you?" he teased. You grinned and huddled into his side.

"Not too hard, my microwave just takes a while to heat things up."

"Replace it," he suggested, turning back to the TV.

"Yeah, well, not all of us have a billionaire's inheritance on hand."

He rolled his eyes at your comment, putting his arm around your shoulders.

You reached over and took a mug of cocoa in your hands, blowing the top of it gently in a poor attempt to cool it off. When you were satisfied, you took a sip, the hot liquid burning your tongue a bit. You leaned more against your boyfriend, getting comfortable.

You reached one hand up to his face, tracing your fingers over the scar. You followed the line to his hair, running your fingers up into his hair.

"I like your longer hair better than your old haircut," you whispered, your eyes meeting his. He chuckled softly, kissing your forehead.

"I'll take note of that," he mumbled. You both stared at each other, admiring one another silently. It was little moments like this, like cuddling on the couch with a random movie, that made up the best parts of your relationship. The little slivers of intimacy that only the two of got to experience. The quiet moments in which the two of you were the only two people in the world.

You closed your eyes, listening to the sound of the television and quiet breathing from your boyfriend. You felt a hand gently take your mug out of your hands, hearing a clink as it was set on the table. You smiled, taking note of the small gesture he had made, before quietly slipping off into sleep.

[Umbrella Academy x Reader] One Shots & PreferencesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя