Chapter 7

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(Third Person POV)

Tul showered for a good 20 minutes before stepping out. He decided to put a bandaid on his leg as he was unsure if the injury would cause him problems. He went to put cream on his bruises and cuts but didn't have any.

Tul stepped out of the bathroom and over to his wardrobe where he picked out a plain black top and grey joggers. He didn't want to wear anything uncomfortable or that would put pressure on his wounds so went casual. Once he dries his hair with the towel he headed down to the kitchen to meet Max.

Upon entering the kitchen he saw Max already digging into his pancakes which had been cooked by the maid Waan, which if not mistaken translates to sweet and she did live up to her name.

He's only been here a short time but that time was long enough for Tul to know she's sweet, caring and beautiful, heck knows why she's a house maid but he's sure she has her reasons and at the end of the day it must be good pay to be the house maiden of the mafias prince.

Tul took a seat opposite max where his plate had been laid out and Waan was placing a few pancakes. Once she left Tul turned to look at Max who was busy reading and so took this as an opportunity to admire Max's features.

He had raven black hair that wasn't long for a boy but wasn't short either, his blackish brown eyes sparkled every time the slightest of light touched them and his lips, fuck his lips, Tul wondered how they'd feel against his and if they were as soft as they looked.

He was so caught up in admiring Max he hadn't noticed that Max had placed his book down and was now staring straight at him. Max smiles as he cleared his throat causing Tul to break out his daze. "You like what you see?" Max said smirking causing Tul to blush at the fact he's been caught staring.

"W-what is there to like?" Tul said trying to sound as normal as he could but failing due to his hesitation. "Okay. Well when you finally decide to admit to yourself that I'm the most handsomest person ever, you know where to find me." Max winked as he got up heading back to his office.

He was about to climb the stairs when he ran back to the kitchen. He handed Tul a tube, "Use this for your cuts and bruises." He said
"Thanks" and then he left again.

Both boys didn't need to be in school that morning, so after breakfast Tul decided he'd head to the lounge and catch up with his favourite comedy show 'Brooklyn nine-nine'.

Time passed and before he knew it Max was taping him on the shoulder informing him it was time to leave.

After switching the tv off and grabbing his bag he ran out the living space across the hall and outside where Max was waiting by the Porsche. Tul walked up to the Porsche getting in as Max followed and before long they were on their way once again.

The ride was silent which gave Tul time to think about what Max had said in the changing rooms the first time they met...


"Why'd you deny it even though he saw?"
"What do you mean?"
"He saw yet you still denied staring, why?"
"Cause being attracted to men means a butt kickin in this school... besides I'm not gay."

(End flashback)

Tul couldn't help but wonder if he was. Truth is he's never given his sexuality much thought so having Max just assume he was gay surprised him.

Tul sighed a little louder than intended catching Max's attention. "What's up?"
"Nothing just...debating things in my head, tryna sort a few things out." Tul responded which earned a nod from max as he pulled into the school parking lot.

After parking the car he turned to look at Tul, "Want to talk about whatever it is your debating in your head?" Max said looking Tul straight in the eyes without breaking eye contact. "I don't think so, no offence it just... a personal matter, and honestly I wouldn't know how to explain it."

Max nodded turning back to facing the wheel before he remembered something, something he didn't know how to explain to Tul without ruining his mood. That's when he decided he'd tell him just not here and now.

"Lunch time meet me in Mr Lang's classroom, there's something I need to tell you."
"Okay but can't you tell me now?" Tul questioned but before he got an answer Max was out the car closing the door.

Tul blinked a few times before he grabbed his bag and exited the car. He looks at Max who turned away locking the car and heading to his first lesson. Tul could have sworn he'd just witness Max have a bipolar mood swing or something, cause right now he was beyond confused.

Time went on and before Tul knew it lunch break had arrived. Tul didn't want to seem desperate to know what Max was gonna say even though it had been eating at his brain all morning. He decided to take a detour to his locker and the vending machines to not seem desperate.

By the time he got to where they agreed to meet there was only 35 minutes left of lunch. He entered the room looking around to find Mac but couldn't see him. He stepped further in allowing the door to close so he could get a better view but still saw no one.

He turned around and when he did Max was there standing with his arms crossed smirking, this caused Tul to let out a little scream of fright. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He managed to say through heavy breathing. "A lesson for being late." Max said walking past him still smirking.

After taking a minute to compose himself Tul asked, "So, what did you want to say?" This causes Max to look at him and stiffen before sitting/leaning against a desk. "It's about your mum." He said looking down at the floor.

"What about her?" Tul said with seriousness in his tone. "Your father beat her and she lost a lot of blood. Luckily one of my men saw when doing rounds around that area and stopped him... She's in hospital recovering."

This all came as a surprise but now he knew why Max didn't tell him earlier. He literally felt like crying. "When was this?" He asked trying to hide the fact he wanted to cry. "Three days ago. I put off telling you cause I wasn't sure how you felt about your parents selling you, that was till I found your diary." Max made eye contact with Tul and could tell he wanted to cry but now looked like he could punch Max.

"It was just my father who sold me, my mother wouldn't do that. Also what gave you rights to read my diary." Tul said through clenched teeth. "Nothing did but it was already open and I knew instantly it was yours but I also knew you didn't know where the servant living area was. I knew one of the maids had picked it up when I found it outside their living area. I questioned the maids and when the perp came forward she was fired. However I couldn't restrain from reading so I did." Max said now looking away. "I see" was all Tul said before turning to leave.

To be continued...


A/N: So I ended this a little weirdly but I have good reason to which leads to something in the next chapter... also I got WiFi back angels which is how I've been able to update. Oh I also want to inform you guys that I am going to proofread my chapters and edit my spelling mistakes cause I noticed a few when checking to see where I'd left off. Also wanted to say that I am going to attempt smut at some point so when that happens I'll put 💫 💫 by the chapter to let you know there's smut. That's all for now so as always love you my angels and see you in the next chapter x

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