Chapter 8

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(Max POV: Flashback)

"Sir we have the surveillance you requested."
"Good, Please go ahead and play it."
"Yes Sir. Sir the surveillance shows that Mr Thanasrivanitchai grabbed his wife by the hair slamming her against the wall where he raped and beat her continuously before we stepped in."

"How and where is she now?" I asked in a calm voice despite the feeling of worry flushing over me. "She seems to be recovering fine but she did lose a lot of blood from several wounds discovered on her back. She was also stabbed by something presumably a knife but the surveillance doesn't specify or show any footage of her being stabbed. She's at the hospital location I forwarded to you early this morning." As Mr Joon answered my question I stood up straightening my suit as I made my way around the desk to stand in front of him.

"Good, make sure she has everything she needs and when she's okay to leave bring her here." Upon saying that I walked past him and towards the door. "Yes sir."

I left the room making my way down to meet with Yunho when I noticed that none of my maids were around. Once I realised this I made my way to the maids living quarters. I went to enter when I noticed some sort of book lying on the table to my right. Raising an eyebrow I walked over and scanned the page which it was opened on.

May 16th 2019

Dear diary,

Where do I begin, as you already know my family "situation" isn't the best in fact things have gotten worse... as you know my father isn't nurturing and my mother is scared and fragile and lives a life of misery for my benefit and it breaks me to know that the things she does and goes through to protect me. I feel that soon she isn't going to be able to take much more and I fear the outcome.

My father is the same as always beating my mother, drinking till he passes out, heck he even started taking drugs and increased his intake of cigarettes. But the biggest change would be how violent he's become, sure he's always been that way actually I don't think I have a memory where my father has been nice, caring, nurturing or in fact non violent. Anyway back to my point, these past couple of weeks have been way different.

He not only beats me with belts but he locks me in my room or in the basement. He has also begun playing this "game" as he calls it where he'll try to scare me into things by saying he'll harm my mother if I don't.

He become way more violent with my mother, he'll rape her or as my mother says "forcefully have sex with her". He's even began throwing things at her and threatening to kill her while holding a knife and he also has a place in the basement where he keeps his "toys" and let's say he doesn't go easy on her when using them.

I don't know what to do, I want someone to just come save my mother and myself from this place. Heck even if it's death that saves us that's still better than having to continue living this misery.

Honestly that's all I wanted to say, just wanted to have a rant or something... I have more to say but that'll have to wait till next time since I have limited time to fill this in. So till next time my hero.

~ TUL.

After reading that passage of Tul's diary a flush of anger rushed over me as I barged into the maids living area. "WHICH ONE OF YOU READ TUL'S DIARY?" I shouted as the giggling of maids voices quietened down. " I aSkEd YoU a QuEsTiOn!" I said through gritted teeth trying not to raise my voice again to scare them.

This time when no one answered I threw the dairy on the floor in front of them. "Let me tell you something. 1) You guys were hired to do chores in exchange I pay and house you and even allow your families to live on an estate which I own and allow you to leave to go see them on Fridays - Monday and for a week during holidays. 2) In exchange for all this you respect the privacy of those living here. 3) If the person who took and read this diary doesn't come to my office by noontime tomorrow I will begin interrogating each and every single one of you and doing background checks as well as firing those of you I see no use for. You have till tomorrow." And with that I picked up the dairy and stormed out.

My Mafia Prince - MaxTulNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ