Chapter 14

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Very relevant quote to this chapter so read it as this will represent Lamia's love for her son Tul.


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(Narrators POV)

"Are you crazy? You're not doing this." Max yells as he's being held back by two guards. "Lamia think of Tul, Think abo-"

"I AM THINKING OF TUL!" Lamia cries through broken tears as she looks at Max, her dark brown locks fall over her face as she turns her gaze to the floor looking away from Max's pleading eye.

"Lamia please...i'd rather give up my gang then have you leave or Tul hating me...again." Max said again pleading as Lamia stood there, her gaze still on the floor. "Max...tell Tul I love him...Please."

Before Max was given a chance to argue Mr Choi signaled for his guards to take her away. "You know Max you may think that you're some big shot Mafia prince but no one in this line of work gets to the top without losing something." Mr Choi said as he ruffled Max's dark lock with his hand. "Take this to save your beloved."

"John if- if you think that i'll let you bring my gang down and take those of importance away from me...then you're wrong." Max said through gritted teeth as he grabbed the syringe filled with the medicine needed to treat Tul.

As he was about to open the door and leave Mr Choi spoke one last time. "Oh lover boy" he smirked "I already have" and with that John Choi exited the same way his guards took Lamia and Max was left there, his last words playing on repeat over and over in his head.

Max made it back just in time to give Tul the antidote as the boy's heart beat began to slip away. After injecting the medicine his heart beat stabilized and he was back at a steady he was back at a steady heart pace/rate.

Doc, the maids and Saint had been dismissed as Max sat to the side of Tul on the bed as he contemplated telling him about what had happened in the meeting with Choi as he thought back to earlier that day and if he had done things differently.


Max ran back to his office as he had two hours left on the clock to get Tul this antidote. He rushed past his guards as they looked at him with confusing expressions as he yelled out commands to each guard he ran past. "Matt gets Perth and Yunho to gear up and meet me by car in 20 minutes." "Fort get the rest of the guards geared up for lockdown. Nobody enters or leaves after I leave."

Once Max reached his office he slammed the door going over to his shelves as he searched frously for The Orange Snakes secative number that he remembered Saint handed him in the file from the previous meet up. Once he realized it wasn't there he ran to his desk pulling his draws out as he found the file flicking through it finding the number.

Once found he quickly dialed the number as the sound of the ringing hit his ears. He looked around his now messed up office paperwork all messed up and sprung everywhere as he waited for the secretary to pick up.

My Mafia Prince - MaxTulWhere stories live. Discover now