Chapter 13

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(Max's POV)

I stood there frozen in my spot, I couldn't believe it. After I retracted my hand from his wrist I stumbled backwards till my back hit the wall. I was barely able to stand yet alone focus on my surroundings. I was in such a daze I hadn't heard Lamia screaming asking me to help him.

I just stood there, head hung low as my eyes glistened over. I just lost him was all I was able to think as I stared at my feet. The empty feeling I had returned but this time it wasn't jealousy over Tul having a loving mother however it was because I had just lost someone I cherished. Even if I've only known him a short time but it still felt that even in this short time I've known him, I consider him one the most loyal and cherished people in my life.

As I stood there drowning in my misery Jennie approached me. She spoke my name a few times to try bring me out my daze each time raising her voice but it was no use. The next thing I know is I'm hearing the sound of skin colliding with another's and that when I realised she smacked me.

"Smack out of it you ass and go get the doctor from his quarters while I perform CPR. You're supposed to be a health student with him aren't you? but here you are frozen in place. Grow up and pull your finger out your ass." I was stunned to say the least. Jennie glared at me with anger in her eyes as she lectured me over my weakness. She wasn't wrong though.

Before she can say anything or do anything else I nod and dart out the door passing by Lamia as I see her being cradled by one of the maids. I continued to run the halls of my mansion before I ran out the back door across the giant lawn and towards the residence where the families of my maids and men lived.

As I ran into sight of the residence I ignored all the greetings and ran straight to the apartment I knew my own personal doctor lived in. Upon arrival to his room I didn't knock and barged straight in startling the poor fellow.

He looked at me as he approached with a calming aroma "Whoa what is it Max, why the worry?" he asked and I stood hunched over trying to catch my breath. "Tul...Blood.......Pulse......Gone......Help" I say through heavy breaths not making complete sense but through the use of keywords Doc got the message grabbing his medical bag and looking at me before we both made our way towards the mansion.


Time passed as Lamia and myself waited outside Tuls's room for news from Doc. Once Doc and I arrived and he saw the state Tul was in we were almost immediately pushed out the room and told to wait. What I wasn't expecting was to be waiting for over 5 hours to hear news about his condition.

As we were waiting Lamia and I engaged in a conversation I wish we didn't have to have. "D-do... Do you think h-he will..... Make it?" she asked through broken words and quiet sniffles. I didn't answer straight away, instead I embraced her in my arms. I know it sounds strange but since I've gotten to know Lamia she's treated me with so much care, kindness and love I feel the need to return it to her.

"I don't know, all we can do is pray that he's alright and able to recover from this." I say and I tighten my grip on her letting her know I'm here for her. She pulls away however and looks up at me with bloodshot red eyes and stained cheeks from which previous tears laid. "What about you?" she asks, catching me off guard. Why would she ask about my feelings? he's not my son?

"W-what do you mean?" I ask with a sitter which she scoffs at turning her back to me as she speaks. "I know how you feel about him... I'm not stupid, I've seen the way you look at him." she pauses before continuing. "I know you're in love with him but you fear he doesn't feel the same. Well he does and I know I'm just his mother but I know my son and I know that you both hold a place in each other's hearts." she says as a stray tear falls down her cheeks but i'm too dumbfound to say anything in response.

Do I really have feelings for him? I question in my head as i've never given it much thought. Sure he's hot and I enjoy teasing him but i've never thought of it that way. My thoughts were interrupted by his bedroom door opening.

Doc walks out whipping some sweat away from his forehead as he turns to look at the two of us. "Well?" I say hastily looking at him with a concern evident in my eyes. All I want to hear is if he's okay. The Doc opens his mouth to speak before closing it again. I hear Lamia whimper slightly at his hesitation and worry rose back up through me.

I was about to barge in when the Dic began speaking. "He's stable... For now anyway." he says looking down avoiding my gaze. " What do you mean for now?" I say in a sharp tone. He looked up at me meeting my gaze as he spoke once again. " He's stable but unlike the full 24 hours we estimated he now only has 3 hours before he dies or is beyond being able to recover if he doesn't receive the medicine."

In that moment I felt it, my heart dropping to the pits of my stomach at the thought of losing Tul. I said no more as I nodded walking away to my office to be alone.


It's been an hour since I left to be on my own and wallowover the fact I could lose Tul. It was too quiet around here so I decided to take a walk around the gardens. Once I got to my favourite spot I sat down pulling my phone out and dialing Saints number. When he picked up he sounded already worried as if he knew what I was going to say.

"Hey Max, everything okay? Is Tul okay?"
I sighed as I began to speak "No not really... Tuls only got 3 hours left or 2 now...He crashed during the night.'' I say to him pausing between my sentences. I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone before he spoke again. "You know there may be a way to get the medicine to him faster than I could." he said, catching my attention as he spoke.

"What do you mean?
"Well think about it. If The Orange Snakes had the drug then they must have the antidote." he said suggestively. How hadn't I thought of that? I mentally facepalm myself as a plan formed in my head. I said goodbye to Saint as I hung up the phone and ran back to my office to which I spent the next hour planning an urgent meet up with The Orange Snakes.

To be continued...


A/N: Hello my angels. So I know I'm terrible at this updating thing but meh. Anyway this was kind of a filler but it's also important as to what's going to happen in the next coming chapters. And again I know this is another quiche Chapter but it's way past 1 in the morning and I am tired to please bear with me. Anyway till next time my angles.

P.S. don't forget to vote and comment, don't be a silent reader.

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