Chapter 8.5

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(MAX POV) - Flashback

As commanded Tul met me by my car exactly in 10 minutes. Upon his arrival I stopped leaning against my car on my phone and straightened myself up. "You ready?" I asked as he approached earning a nod as a response which was enough for both of us to enter the car and be on our way.

We both sat there in silence and damn was it torture. Unable to take much more I decided to break the silence. I noticed that he wasn't carrying his gun so I decided that it would be best to break this silence. "You're not carrying your gun, why?"
"Ugh forgive me sir but the filing for my licence has taken longer than usual since MR Min has been absent due to some business." Tul explains as he continues to look straight ahead at the road. "I see... There's a gun in the glove compartment. You're gonna need it." I say which catches his attention.

"Sir why do I need a gun?"
"Because this is your first unofficial mission. Think of it as a practice run before going into the real thing in a few days." I answer which earns a slight smile and nod as he reached for the gun in the compartment. "If you don't mind me asking but what's this mission about. I mean it's purpose?"
"We are meeting with the gang leader that stole my shipment."
"So we are meeting with The Orange Snake gang leader?" He asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Yeah, Saint was able to set up a meeting somehow. MR Min explained it all to me earlier but we are both clueless when it comes to computers." I explained when which made him chuckle slightly. "What's funny?" I questioned.
"Nothing it's just I forget how real this stuff is sometimes. You know this kinda stuff only really happens in movies for me so this happening in real life is a bit funny." This caused me to chuckle putting two and two together in my head realising how similar my reality was to the movies. "Okay I'll give you that one." I say smiling and once again the car filled with silence as we neared the restaurant.


After another 20 minutes of driving we pulled up near the restaurant. After I parked a few minutes walk away I looked over at Tul who prepared himself placing the gun in the rim of his jeans and against his back. He was about to exit the car when I grabbed his arm momentarily stoping him. "Hey, don't go getting yourself hurt or killed... I don't want to be filling out any death reports." I say trying to sound funny but failing as he simply responded with a nod.

On that note we both exited the car and made our way towards the restaurant. Upon entering we were greeted by the receptionist who asked for our details. "Hello sir's, do you have a reservation?"
"Yes table for two under the name Kang Mark.
"Yep we have your table ready. If you please follow your waiter for the night he will lead you there. Enjoy your night." I looked at our waiter who was one of my agents, we exchanged a look and I bowed to the receptionist remembering my manners.

We followed my guy to our table as we walked through the restaurant. As we made our way over I was noticed by a fellow business partner who came and greeted myself and Tul. "Hello MR Diloknawarit. It's a delight bumping into you."

"Like wise MR Arthit, a delight it is." I say putting on a fake smile. "I'm sure you've been doing just fine. I was wondering when I would get to see you next. I wanted to invite you to my daughters coming of age party next month, there's a particular reason which I need your help with." MR Arthit said in a low whisper
"I will see if I can make it. You have my man's number. He will arrange it." I say continuing my fake smile around this man whose stenches of alcohol already.

"Yes yes I do indeed. Well I better get back my wife is probably back from the restroom by now... you enjoy your date."
"Oh no this isn't a date, he's just one of my guards. I'll let you be." I say trying to make it clear this wasn't a date. "I see, good day." We both bowed before going our separate ways.

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