Chapter 12

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(Max's POV)

After our meeting with Mean and our unfortunate encounter in the restaurant with one of the elites from The Orange Snakes gange. Lamia and myself had been tending to Tul after he passed out.

It was a long afternoon, making sure that Tul's temperature didn't rise higher than 40 or lower than 30 degrees. Saint had called a few times to check on his condition and make sure that he wasn't slipping into a state where he'd be unable to recover.

I could tell how worried Tul's mother was as she kept accidentally knocking over things or not rinsing the cloth out properly causing it to drip. I couldn't imagine how she felt and in a way I kind of envied Tul for having a mother who cared for him.

Night came and eventually I couldn't take Lamia's nervous mess. "Lamia? I'll tend to him for the night you go rest." She didn't say anything but smiled placing the cloth down and leaving the room. I went over to where the cloth was and rinsed it out in its bucket before placing it back on Tul's head.

"You know if you live through this I will tease you so much more you'll probably run away. But if you die then-" I smirked slightly before I gave out a breathy "I don't know what I'll do actually." I continued to pat down Tul's head with the cloth before placing it back on the side desk.

An hour past and I never took my eyes off him. I made sure to dab his head with the cloth every 5 minutes to maintain a cooling temperature. After a while I grew tired and hungry himself but was reluctant to eat anything or leave his side.

A few more hours past and before I knew it, it was already past 2 in the morning. I was about to drift off when a knock came at the door. I stood up and opened it to see Jennie on the other side. "Jennie, what are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you to go eat and get a few hours sleep."
"I'm fine," I say, leaving the door to sit back at Tuls' side.
"You're not and it's clear by the bags under your eyes."
"I will be then."
"Max, how do you expect to care for Tul if you're hungry and sleep deprived?" I didn't respond, instead I just looked at her nodding my head. "Good now go eat and sleep, I will look after him."
"Okay I will go eat but I will not sleep till I see him wake up."
"Well at least it's a start." Jennie said as I stood up leaving to go have something to eat. I couldn't deny the fact that I was both hungry and tired but I really didn't want to leave his side till I saw some form of life back into his cheeks.

As demanded I went to have some food. It was nice to have a break and take time to freshen up. And before long k made my way back to Tul's side.
"How was he?"
"He was the same as when you left."
"Hmmm okay."
"Oh and i also had the water changed since it was starting to get dirty."
"Okay, thank you Jennie." Jennie didn't answer, instead bowed and left the room. I sat at Tuls' side once more and reached over to grab the cloth. As I was dabbing it on Tul's head when he began to move.

"Tul? Hey Tul?" I said his name a few times but got no response. I let at a sigh and placed the cloth down. I sat at his side running my fingers through his hair humming along to a song that I didn't know the lyrics to but remember it from a faint memory of a woman I had.

I layed down next to him as I hummed the tune, closing my eyes as I did. I was so lost in the song I didn't notice Tul move his head and placing his hand on my hand. I finished humming the song and opened my eyes to see Tuls dull brown ones staring back at me.

I immediately sat up looking at him surprised."Tul, are you okay? Wait, are you really awake or am I dreaming?"
Tul let out a laugh before wincing a pain. "Careful you've not been treated yet"
Tul smiled before speaking, "It's reality, why would you be dreaming of me?"
"You'd be surprised what I dream of Tul." Tul let out another small chuckle before sitting up with help from myself. "What was that tune you were humming?"

"I don't know, I can't remember where I heard it."
"it's a nice tune"
"You think?" Tul nodded his head before smiling.

"What's the time?"
"Around 3 in the morning"
"I was out for that long?"
"Your condition is stable but your body is weak, this is natural."

"What about you and my mother?
"Your mothers fine and asleep as for me I haven't left your side."
"Why not?"
"Because I care about you tul." it was obvious tul was shocked but he didn't get hold up on it. Instead he leaned forward looking me in the eye as if searching for some faultality in my words. "Why do you care?"
"I don't know I just do"

Time went on and Tul and I spent the time cuddled up talking about things from our past and what we wanted from life. Dawn was at its peak and I looked at the sleeping figure in my arms. I watched for several minutes how his chest would rise a fall with every breath he took. I watched his sleeping figure rest as if nothing could harm him.

If I was asked one word to describe my feelings right now it would be loneliness. As I let this feeling consume me I fell asleep with Tul in my arms.

I was woken several hours later by Lamia shaking me awake and telling me to rest up which I did without arguing.

Mid morning came when I heard a scream across the house. I ran as quickly as I could to where it was and when I got there I saw something I did not wish too.

"Lamia what happened?"
"He was sleeping and started coughing up blood." I ran over to tul and when I saw him he was covered in blood. His face looked paler than death. I placed my hand on his left wrist to look for a pulse but to my dismay I was met with nothing. Not even a single pulse made it through his veins. I looked up to Lamia who was on the floor in tears as I stood there frozen.

To be continued...


A/N: Hey angels, so i'm very late with this Ch due to recent storms and noe Covid-19 hitting the area i live. But now that I am no longer attending college and working from home I should have more time to update. So please bear with me and I hope you enjoy this CH. I am also aware this CH is also shorter than the rest, apologies for that.

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