3 | Fetus in Fetu

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"Do you have my discharge papers?" Greg asked as we entered his room.

Webber shook his head, "Uh, no. No, no, I don't. I think you need to reconsider. You need to have this thing removed, Greg."

Greg looked up at us from his bed, "Dr. Webber, you said it was incredibly rare. And it's mine. People chuck stuff all the time, no clue of the value of the thing that they're throwing away. Finding treasure in their trash is what I do. And I didn't have to dig through anyone's yard-sale crap to find this. It was inside of me all along."

"This is a wad of bones and teeth." Greg's wife, Jodi, told him, "It's not some crummy box of VHS tapes."

Greg sighed, "We've talked about this. Analog's coming back in a big way."

"Just because it's rare doesn't mean it has value." I explained, "A heart has value. A liver has value."

Dr. Webber looked to me, "Actually, I'm on Greg's side here."

"No, you're not," Meredith said.

"People do throw things away too easily." Webber agreed, "They throw out people just like that. They're done with you, and then they throw you out with the trash. I'm not gonna do that, Greg."

"Stop!" Jodi panicked, wanting this mass out of her husband.

Meredith nodded, "Yeah, stop."

Webber sighed and thought for a moment, "Okay, Greg, I have a proposition for you. Let me remove this fetus in fetu, and I promise you I won't throw it in the trash. I'll throw it in a jar, and you can take it home."

Jodi nervously chuckled, "You aren't serious."

"It'll look a hell of a look better on a shelf than in your belly." Webber persisted, "And you won't have that pain anymore."

Greg smiled, a little doubtful, "You can do that?"

Webber nodded, "I do it all the time."


"Hello, little brother." Bailey smiled widely under her mask as she started to pull out the fetus from Greg's body.

Webber watched her carefully, "I see a finger. No, two...three fingers."

"Gross!" Leah said as she continued to watch, equally disgusted as she was fascinated, "Where?"

Completely excited to be here, I looked down as well, "Is...is that an ear?"

"An ear?" someone asked.

Meredith looked closer, "No, that's a lung. But that is a tooth."

"Oh, and that is a spinal column." Bailey practically squealed, "Look! Every damn vertebrae."

Leah looked to Webber, "I still want to know what you said to get him to consent."

"He promised him a doggy bag," Meredith told her.

Bailey's head shot up, her eyes wide, "You didn't."

"I did." Webber replied, "He's right. It's part of him. He should be able to have it and share it. This is of great medical interest. That's valuable. You don't...hide it inside of...some basement or...let it rot away. You share it. You let people benefit from it because, if you do, you can change the face of medicine."

Once the surgery was over, we got Greg back into his room and just as soon as he was awake and well, we visited him again. "Greg. Jodi." Webber smiled as we walked in.

"Okay, everything went very well." Bailey told them, "We're going-"

Greg looked to Webber, "You promised me. Cough it up."

Webber nodded, "Murphy."

On cue, Leah handed Greg a bucket with a lid on top that contained the fetus. "Thank you." Greg smiled as he opened the bucket, "Oh, my God! That's horrible! Thank you for taking that out of me. Take that away. Take that away. Thank you. Ohh. Oh. Ohh."

"You stupid idiot." Jodi walked over to her husband's bedside as the four of us exited the room.

"You want me to take that back to path?" Bailey giggled.

Webber turned to her, "Oh, are you kidding me? This is my Birthday present."

"Ohh." Bailey groaned.

"Uh, speaking of which, I'll see you, what, in about, uh...half an hour?" Webber asked.

Bailey looked up at him, "Sir? Okay, now you're making me feel bad. W-what...if I'd have known you wanted a party, I would have...look, uh, come to dinner with me and Ben. Oh, oh, please. Please, we'd love to-we'd love t-"

"Uh, B-Bailey, stop." Webber held is one free hand up, "Bailey. Bailey, I was just joking. Go and have fun."

With that, Webber took off. "Goodnight, Dr. Bailey." I smiled as I left as well.


About an hour or so later we were all crammed into a restaurant, waiting from Catherine, Jackson's mother and Webber's current girlfriend, to bring Webber in. Once they appeared at the doors, everyone yelled, "Surprise!"

Webber laughed and smiled as applause filled the room. "Surprise." Owen clapped.

"Happy Birthday Dr. Webber!" I shouted.

"Happy Birthday, sir." Bailey stepped up.

Webber looked down at her, "You looked right in my eyes, and you lied to me, Bailey."

"Yeah, but it didn't count because you were being stupid." Bailey joked.

Everyone laughed. "Hey. Happy Birthday." Derek walked in late.

Meredith smiled as Derek walked over, "Hey, Arizona told me that Jackson put together a committee to look into this thing for you and Callie."

"Oh, we should-" Derek started.

"My God. Whoops." Callie approached us, "You can tell him to stop."

Derek turned to Callie, "You need a drink?"

"Yeah." Callie nodded.

"What happened?" I asked.

Callie grinned, "We overthrew the Government today. We're thirsty."

Arizona made a face, "I don't...what?"

Making my way over to Webber, I waited for him to finish his current conversation before I spoke. "Happy Birthday," I told him for probably the tenth time that day.

Webber chuckled, "Thank you, Forrest."

"No, thank you." I told him and took a sip from my drink, "You...you believed in me and if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here right now. You are the only reason I am where I am today and I just wanted to...no, needed to thank you."

After a quick toast to Webber and a few more drinks, I headed home for the night. Walking through my front door, I half expected to see my house trashed or even worse, see Sam. But, it was exactly how I had left it that morning. Clean...well, not clean. It was decent for a person who was only home long enough to sleep, shower, and eat.

Sam was gone, hopefully for good, or at least a while. You know things have changed when the person who used to be your best friend is now the person you hate the most.

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