62 | "I Love You"

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Before my mind even really had time to comprehend what was happening, I answered the question. It's sort of funny if you think about it. My job had me dealing with life-altering decisions every day, but right then, with that short, three-letter word, I had just made the biggest choice of my life.

Owen stared up at me, still down on one knee in the middle of the kitchen with the small box held out. His eyes were wide and his mouth slightly open, like he wasn't sure if he should speak or not.

"Yes," I repeated, wondering if he had heard me the first time or not.

Then he smiled. It was bigger than I had ever seen him smile before and with one quick movement, he stood up, wrapped his arms around me and started to spin. The only way that it could have been cheesier was if we were standing in the middle of a street with rain pouring down on us.

Finally, after what seemed like twenty spins, he put me back down and pulled out the small ring. Taking my left hand in his, he slipped the small but beautiful piece of jewelry onto my finger. "We're getting married." he chuckled, happiness almost seeping out of his pores. "We're getting married!"

My head was still spinning, from both the proposal and the actual spinning itself, but before I even had a chance to come down from my high, my phone went off.

Reaching into my pocket, my smile faded slightly when I noticed that I was being paged to the hospital. "I, uh...I have to go." I sighed, walking back over to the front door and grabbing my coat.

"No." Owen shook his head, "No, no. Come on, let's celebrate. Don't go."

I laughed slightly, placing a kiss on his cheek as I grabbed my bag. "Sadly, accidents don't stop happening for us. We're surgeons Owen, we always get called in at shitty times. Face it, we're going to have our actual wedding in an O.R."

"Speaking of weddings, do you-"

"Stop it." I opened the front door, "We're not doing this now. I have to go. See you later."


Rushing in through the E.R. doors, I dumped my stuff off and changed into my scrubs in record time. Walking over to one of the sinks, I was just about to wash my hands when I spotted the ring.

"Right." I breathed, slipping it off just as the door to the lounge opened.

"Hey." Meredith's voice greeted me, "There you are. April's looking for you."

Shoving the ring into my pocket before she could see it, I smiled. "Yeah, I was at home. I'm heading out right now. Are you going home?"

"No." Meredith shook her head, "Sadly, it looks like it's going to be a long night and day for me. And I still somehow have to find the times to have drinks tomorrow night with-"

"Thorpe!" I nearly screamed, slightly shocked that she was going out with him. "You said yes to drinks with the military guy?"

Meredith's head shot up, a slight scowl on it. "April needs you."

"This conversation is not over!" I called as I started to rush down the hall towards the everlasting madness of the E.R.

On my way, I felt my hand go to my pants pocket to check if the ring was still there. I knew that I was going to have to take it off one way or another, but what I wasn't too sure about was why I felt the need to hide it. I mean, Meredith was probably my best friend. If I was going to tell anyone about the engagement, wouldn't it be her?

"Sorry, you were there?" I heard April snap at Arizona, ripping me from my thoughts, "You lived through that? Um, no. No, Arizona. That was me and that was Jackson. We lived that nightmare, and I refuse to live it again. And you know what? It is different this time, because this time I am choosing to have faith in a good outcome for this baby until God himself tells me otherwise, and Jackson ca-I will deal with this myself, the way I want to, when I want to."

Arizona shoved her hands into the pockets of her white coat. "I know. I'm sorry, April. I thought-"

"Don't." April turned back around from inside the elevator that she was now in, "Don't think about me. Don't talk to me. Don't even look at me, okay? And I believe in this stuff, so understand how much I mean it when I tell you go to hell."

As the elevator doors closed, separating April from us, I turned to Arizona. "What did you do?"

"I may have told Jackson that April was pregnant." Arizona looked to me, a guilty expression on her face, "Before April did."

"I just..." I started before turning and heading towards the E.R. room that April was going to bring the patient into, "There is a lot going on today!"

Once inside the room, I met up with Penny, who I guess was in the E.R. today, and the two of us got things set up for the patient. I didn't know much except that it was a woman being brought in via helicopter, hence why April headed up to the roof in the elevator.

A few minutes later, April rushed in with Riggs and the patient, and things went from dead silent to so loud you could barely hear yourself think. "She's hypoxic on one-hundred percent," April announced.

Nodding, Riggs looked up at us for a few seconds. "Okay, she's gonna need another tube on the right. Blake, can you get that?"

"It's all right, Tess." the man, who was the patient's husband or boyfriend, assured her, "I'm right here."

Turning to the man, I motioned to the door. "Sir, Michael." I somehow remembered the name that someone had muttered during the first few seconds of everyone getting in the room, "You need to leave the room. We need room to work."

"Don't worry, baby." Michael told Tess, squeezing her hand tight, "I'm not gonna leave you, okay? I love you. I love you. I love you so much."

Just then, one of the monitors started going off. "BP's dropping," Penny said.

"What's happening?" Michael asked, worry in his tone.

"Free fluid in the belly and she's still hypotensive after multiple units of blood and plasma." April shook her head, "We got to get her up."

Riggs and I both nodded, agreeing with the plan. "Blake, when you're done there, we need to get her ready for transport," Riggs instructed.

"No, no, no." Michael shook his head, "I can't leave her."

Once everything was good to go, all hands were on the bed as we rolled it out of the room and towards the elevator. "Is that her?" an older coupled asked, staring down at Tess with Owen by their side, "Oh, my God. Tess."

"Hey." I smiled at Owen, "Another set of hands up in the O.R.?"

He nodded. "I'll be right there."

"I love you, Tess." Michael called as we pushed the bed into the elevator and pressed the button, "I love you so much."

On Call | Grey's Anatomy // Book 3 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now