23 | "Okay"

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Everybody has something to hide. We can't just expose all our secrets to the world. That's how we get hurt. It's how we risk hurting other people. We have to decide how much we let out...and keep the truth to ourselves.

"Hey!" Meredith greeted Maggie and me after just getting back from her weekend away. She had gone to D.C. to see Derek and left the kids with Maggie. Sometimes, though, I would go over and help out. "How'd it go with the kids?" Meredith asked.

"Uh, great." Maggie told her, "Uh, they're amazing. I just dropped them off at daycare."

"Zola is getting so big." I chuckled, "I remember when she was just a little baby."

Meredith smiled, "Thanks again for watching them."

"Yeah." Maggie nodded, "How about you? How was your weekend...in D.C....with your husband?"

"It...was fun." Meredith pressed the elevator button, "Uh...Uh, I'm a little exhausted, you know."

"But it was the good kind of exhausted, right?" Callie walked over, "Did you even leave the bedroom? Was he surprised? Did he freak?"

Maggie folded her arms over her chest, acting a little weird. "Yeah, did he...freak?"

Callie narrowed her eyes, "Or did you just go straight to getting frea-kay?"

"You know, did we even push the button, because it's just..." Meredith changed the subject, obviously hiding something.

Just then, the elevator doors opened and we all stepped on. "Hey, look who's back." Alex, who was already on the elevator, smiled.

"Meredith was just about to tell us about her weekend with Derek," Maggie said as the doors closed.

Alex shoved his hands into his pockets, "Good, tell me now so you don't show up in my bed tonight. It's a good thing you didn't walk in on this morning."

"Oh." Callie rolled her eyes, "Everyone's getting freaky but me."

"Well, actually, I was just-" Meredith mumbled as the elevator doors opened, "Actually remembered, I-I have to, uh...yeah."

Without another word, Meredith got off of the elevator. 


"Can you make a call to the patient's family telling them surgery is tomorrow?" I asked the nurse as I handed over one of my patient files.

She nodded. "Right away."

"Hey." Meredith walked over and handed in a few files as well.

"That Zola, she could play go fish all night long." Maggie joined us, "You have a budding card shark on your hands."

Meredith laughed, "Yeah, well, we eventually hide the cards. It's the only way she'll stop."

"I'll have to remember that for next time." Maggie nodded followed by an awkward pause, "Look, I just want to say that, um...I am not here to judge you, but I'm a bad liar. So..."

Meredith cocked a brow, " I don't know what you're talking about."

"You packed a suitcase full of lingerie and you went away for the weekend." Maggie said, "And then Derek called me three times asking where you were. Meanwhile, you texted me telling me what a great time you were having, so whatever you were doing, whoever... he, she, they, whatever...it wasn't with him, and that's all. I want to be here for you, but I like Derek and I hate lying."

I gasped, "Meredith...are you-"

"Grey, Pierce, get in here!" Bailey called from a patient room right across from us. As the two of them took off to help, I was left alone with a head full of unanswered questions. 


That night as I got ready to go home, I could Maggie was upset. She wasn't talking like usual, and I had good reason to assume it had something to do with Meredith.

As if on cue, Meredith walked in and looked right at Maggie. "I went to the airport, I got through security, I went up to the gate, they called my boarding group, and I just stood there. I froze. I didn't get on the plane. I watched the plane take off from behind the glass...I got in my car, and I left."

"Oh, Meredith." Maggie stood still.

"I didn't know how to tell anyone...that I didn't get on the plane to visit my husband." Meredith admitted, "So, I drove to one of those hotels by the airport."

I looked to her, "And you stayed there by yourself all weekend?"


Maggie sighed, "You were embarrassed, so you hid. I...I kind of get that."

"Well, it's-"

"No, no, it's okay." Maggie stopped her, "You don't have to say another word. That must've been awful. Those cheap hotel rooms are horrible. You must've felt terrible and lonely and embarrassed...and I just made it worse by bugging you...and asking you questions when I should've just...I totally understand why you didn't tell me. If that happened to me, I wouldn't have told anybody, either. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but thank you...for telling me."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, thanks for telling us."

"Thank you for understanding." Meredith gave us each a hug before grabbing her stuff and leaving.

As I too grabbed my purse and jacket, I headed for the hospital's main doors and out to the parking lot. Getting into my car, I took a moment before I drove home. Sometimes, after a long day, I needed to just decompress. I didn't like bringing my stresses home with me, so I took a minute.

Taking a deep breath, I finally put the key into the ignition and backed out of my parking spot.

About fifteen minutes later I pulled into my driveway and parked the car. Opening the door and stepping out, I walked up to the already unlocked door and walked inside.

As soon as I moved through the doorway I could hear music and other noise coming from my kitchen. My nose filled with an amazing smell; garlic and tomato sauce. Spaghetti and garlic bread.

"You know, I think I know how to 'step back' without being monitored like a felon on probation." I chuckled as I took my shoes off.

"Doesn't mean I can't cook you dinner." Owen stepped into view, "Cristina never let me cook for her. She was always at the hospital, so there wasn't time. I'm not doing this because I have to, I'm doing it because I want to."

Making my way into the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of wine and poured two glasses. "You know, I thought they made rules against this." I handed Owen a glass, "You're technically my superior; being not only head of trauma but also the Chief of Surgery."

"And you own the hospital, which means I work for you." Owen took a sip before placing the glass down and taking a few steps closer to me, "I'm going to kiss you now."

"Okay." I smiled.

Fear makes us hold ourselves back. Is that so wrong? Maybe. Probably. But still...it helps to be a little sneaky, a little protective. It's not safe to just blurt out all of our secrets. We can't just lay all the truth out there...expose ourselves to God and everybody. 'Cause once the truth is out...we have to face it ourselves. 

On Call | Grey's Anatomy // Book 3 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now