57 | Little Black Box

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"Ellie, wake up."

Rolling over in the hospital bed so that I was facing the door, I opened my eyes and saw Owen standing there. It was probably around seven at night or something like that, but I honestly had no clue.

Over the past few days, I had pretty much just been sleeping to pass the time. If you asked me, I was perfectly fine, but since all of my friends owned and worked at the hospital, they wanted to run a multitude of tests before they discharged me. I knew they were just worried about me and the possibility of infection after being burned, but their worrying was kind of getting annoying.

"Owen, what do you want?" I asked as I looked out the window to see the sun just barely starting to set.

Holding up a dress, a black dress from my closet, Owen walked over and put it down on the bed along with a bag of other things. "I asked Callie and Meredith to help me gather some stuff." he told me, "I know that you've been going crazy here, so tonight I am taking you out to dinner."

A smile instantly spread onto my face. Getting out of the hospital, even if only for a few hours, was all that I really wanted. Jumping up, I pulled him into a tight hug and pretty much started to squeal.

Saying I was excited was an understatement.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled as I also started to push him out of the room. "I have to get ready now."

"Okay." he chuckled, "Don't take too long."

I scoffed. "I haven't worn anything but a hospital gown in weeks. I am going to look perfect tonight, and you can't rush perfection."

Closing the hospital room door, I grabbed the dress and bag and disappeared into the bathroom. Inside the bag were a nice pair of shoes, some makeup and a few other little things like a hairbrush and whatnot.

Despite what I had told Owen, I only took about half an hour or so to get ready. I had never been one of those girls who took ages to get ready because I hated the feeling of having someone waiting for me.

So, about half an hour or so later, I stepped out of the hospital room in my dress and heels with my hair done in some simple curls and some light makeup on. It wasn't a lot, but it had been a while since I had felt that good.

"Damn girl!" Callie pretty much screamed from down the hall. Looking at her, I laughed as she walked over. "You are looking fine!"

I did a little twirl and a sexy pose to humor her. "Why, thank you." I said in a super cheesy, rich person accent, "It cost me a fortune, but I saw it sitting there in...my closet...and just had to have it."

"I believe that Meredith and I saw it sitting in your closet." Callie corrected me.

"Thank you for that by the way." I gave her a hug before heading off to find Owen, "If you see Meredith, thank her for me."

Callie nodded and waved. "Will do. Have fun!"

Walking into the waiting room, I spotted Owen sitting in one of the chairs and I walked over to him. Once he saw me coming towards him, he stood up and met me halfway. "You look breathtaking." he gave me a kiss.

"Thank you. The medical bracelet really ties the look together." I chuckled as I showed off my white patient bracelet on my right wrist.

"The very best for you." he threw his arm over my shoulder and we started walking out of the hospital and towards his car in the parking lot. 


Owen had taken me to this lovely restaurant that I had never been to before. It was actually quite romantic and to be honest, I felt very out of place at first. I was pretty sure that it had been years since I had been on an actual 'date,' if that was even what we were calling this. I mean, I knew that we were dating, but I wasn't sure what qualified something as a date...but dinner at a nice restaurant seemed to fit the bill.

The menu itself made me very happy. After a few weeks straight of hospital food, a fresh salad or juicy steak sounded like pure heaven. I ended up ordering a chicken caesar salad because it had always been one of my favourites and there was an unspoken rule about ordering something small and not messy on a date.

It was a stupid 'unspoken rule' but I still followed it like the little unexperienced dater that I was.

Once we were done our meal, we just sat, drinking wine and talking. I could kind of tell that something was up with Owen, though, because he was sort of quiet and kept shifting his weight, but I didn't really pay much attention to it. He was probably just nervous or something.

"Ellie..." Owen shifted his weight again and spoke sort of softly, "There is something that I need to tell...well, more... ask you."

Taking a sip of my wine, I nodded. "Sure, anything."

"I-" he started before his pager went off. Groaning, he reached into his jacket pocket to grab his phone. Checking the page, he sighed as he shoved it back into his pocket.

"Trauma?" I asked, already grabbing my coat as I knew the drill all too well.

He huffed. "Yeah, look...I am so sorry."

"Don't." I told him, "If I weren't currently admitted to the hospital, it could have just as easily been my pager. We're surgeons, this is just what happens."

"Thanks." he smiled as he threw some money down on the table for the bill.

I grabbed his hand, "Come on, let's go."

Owen and I rushed back out to his car and drove back to the hospital. Ambulances zoomed past us as they headed for the same place as us. Pulling into the parking lot, we ran inside and straight for the E.R.

I was about to grab a set of scrubs myself when Owen stopped me. "You're not cleared yet." he reminded me as he handed his coat over, "Do you mind just holding this? I promise I will come find you when I'm done."

My heart sunk a little. I was being placed right back on the sidelines after having a taste of the game. "Sure." I sighed as he walked off.

Leaning against a wall, I tried to stay out of people's way as I watched the paramedics rush in and out, bringing bodies with them. The E.R. was madness and I wanted nothing more than to be a part of that madness.

Eventually, I headed back up to my room and sat down on the bed. Turning on the t.v., I set Owen's jacket down on the chair. Right then, his phone went off. I debated whether or not to answer it, but I finally decided on just checking to see who it was. At least then I could let him know who called.

Reaching into the pocket that I thought the ringing was coming from, I pulled something out...but it definitely wasn't a cellphone.

My eyes widened as I stared down at the little black box in my hands. Gulping, I felt my hands shaking as I opened it.

The ring was beautiful.

For some reason, though, it took me a few seconds to process what was happening; but when I finally put two and two together and realized that the ring was meant for me, the butterflies in my stomach started flying around like crazy.

"Oh, my God!" I quickly shut the box again and shoved it back into the pocket. Quietly, I walked back over to the bed, sat down, and tried to play it cool.

Owen wanted to marry me.

On Call | Grey's Anatomy // Book 3 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now