66 | "This Just Isn't What We Do"

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Holding up her tablet so Jenny's mom could see the scans for herself, Arizona pointed out where the artery aneurysm was. "So, for now, we wait to see if your daughter's abdominal bleed resolves on its own."

Jenny's mom gave us an unsure glance. "You think waiting is the best option?"

"Well, it's what Jenny wants," Arizona replied.

Jenny's mother smiled at Arizona like she was the biggest idiot she had ever met. "Jenny is fourteen. When I was fourteen, I was stealing street signs and getting knocked up by my loser boyfriend, so forgive me for not trusting a fourteen-year-old to make judgment calls. I'm asking what you think."

"I think that surgery is the better option."

Jenny's mother nodded. "Then that's what we'll do."

"Of course, you know, with surgery, there are always risks," April spoke up; a little shocked that suddenly everyone was agreeing with her course of action.

"Surgery would happen when?" Jenny's mother started. "Today or..."

Looking over at April I could tell she was fighting with herself to keep Jenny's secret inside, but if she was going to deal with this situation anything like I would, I knew that she was about to break the confidentiality agreement; because April, like me, knew how important it was to have someone in your corner through tough times.

"Actually, there is one more thing." April began to say.

"Dr. Kepner," Arizona warned.

Jenny's mother's eyes grew wide at the thought of something going on that she wasn't aware of. "What is it? What are not you telling me?!"

April swallowed hard and I could see her mind working overtime before finally letting it slip. "There is also the risk that Jenny could lose her baby."

"Her what?" Jenny's mother furrowed her brows.

"Jenny is pregnant."

As Jenny's mother let out a small gasp, I could feel Arizona's eyes staring daggers right through me at April. She was furious on the inside but calm on the outside, a perfect mixture for a time bomb that would go off as soon as the patient and patient's family were out of sight.

Once her composure had been regained, Jenny's mother took off straight for her daughter's room. "How long?" she asked Jenny as soon as she was inside the room.

Knowing that the jig was up, Jenny immediately went into defense mode. "Mom, listen-"

"How long?!"

"I-I don't know. Like six months or something." Jenny answered before scowling at us. "Why would you tell her?!"

"Look at me, not them. Me." Jenny's mother huffed. "How many times have I told you, 'Be careful, be smart?' Not to end up like me. How many times?!"

"Yeah, Mom, like a million times that I am your biggest, stupidest mistake! Sorry I messed up your life so bad!"

"Jennifer, that is not what I meant!"

"And I'm sorry I'm screwing my life up, too! Go ahead. I'm just waiting for you to say it, 'This is not what we do, Jenny!'"

"It's not."

Pulling April and me aside, Arizona's ticking time bomb finally went off. "You screwed this up."

Holding my hand up to try and stop anyone from exploding, I tried to diffuse the situation. "She needed to know all the risks if she was going to make an appropriate decision regarding her daughter."

On Call | Grey's Anatomy // Book 3 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now