36 | Coming Home

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Throwing my gloves into the waste bin, I exited the scrub room after my surgery. Sadly, the patient, a thirty-two-year-old man who had been in a car accident, didn't make it. He just lost too much blood, as that was it.

Walking down the hall towards the waiting room to inform the patient's wife, I looked up and stopped in my tracks. There, standing at the other end of the hall in full uniform, was Owen.

"Oh, my God." my hand flew over my mouth as he started to walk towards me. Running to meet him halfway, I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. Doctors, nurses, and even some patients stared at us, probably pretty confused as our relationship hadn't exactly been public before Owen left. But right then I didn't care.

"I missed you so much," he said as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"I didn't think you were ever going to come back." I started to cry tears of pure joy as Owen put me back down, "H-how was it?"

Owen smiled wide. "It was amazing, but it's good to be back. God...I missed you."

"You already said that." I smiled back as I grabbed his hand, "Come on. I don't have any other surgeries and I'm not on call. Let's go home."


Closing my eyes, I rested my head on Owen's chest and just listened to his heartbeat. It was steady and calm, which relaxed me more than I thought it could.

Over the past few months, I had come to realize that the saying, 'you don't know what you have until it's gone,' was actually pretty much the truth. I never knew just how much I loved having Owen around until he was gone...until I had to spend my nights alone and sleep by myself.

It had been a while since I had actually had a relationship; something that was real and that meant something. The last person that I thought I had that with was Jackson, but I was really hoping that Owen and I didn't end like how Jackson and I did.

Taking a deep breath, I was about to shut my mind down and start drifting off when my doorbell sounded. Confused, I opened my eyes again and sat up. Carefully, trying not to wake Owen, I crawled out of the bed, threw on a sweater, and walked to my front door.

Swinging it open, I saw Alex standing there. "Get dressed." he told me, "We're going to see Meredith."


"Dr. Grey. Dr. Grey." the nurse called to Meredith, trying to wake her up, "Your husband and sister are here."

Meredith's eyes slowly opened as Alex and I stepped into the hospital room. Alex hadn't exactly told me much after showing up at my house, but as soon as he mentioned Meredith, there was no way I couldn't go. We took a plane trip and finally made it to some hospital that Meredith had been admitted to.

"Hey." Alex greeted her as we stepped closer, "Apparently, I'm your emergency contact."

Meredith smiled. "I had a baby."

"We know," I told her. The nurse had informed us when we arrived about the baby because, well, she thought we were the father and aunt.

Meredith sighed heavily. "Derek is dead."

I nodded, "We know."

Meredith grabbed Alex's hand because he was the closest one to her. "Baby's name is Ellis. Did you see her? She's beautiful."

Alex chuckled, "Bet she looks just like you."

"I didn't think I could do it." Meredith admitted, "Part of me thought, 'What if I have this baby and just die?' And then she arrived, and I saw her face, and I saw him in her. She's beautiful."


It was Valentine's Day when Alex, Meredith, and I returned to Seattle. Meredith went back home with her children while I went to work with Alex.

As I walked through the lobby, I noticed the staircase had been completely done up with lights, candles, and roses. "Richard Webber!" Catherine Avery called from the top of the staircase.

Webber looked up from his chart, confusion on his face, "Catherine?"

"I'm mad at you!" she started to walk down the steps, "I'm doing something I swore I never would. I'm asking a question when I don't know the answer because you-"

"What's going on?" Owen asked as he joined the quickly forming crowd.

Another doctor turned to him. "Shh!"

"Because you're worth me standing here like a fool, announcing how I feel...in front of the entire hospital!" Catherine continued, "I love you, Richard Webber! I love you. And I would very much like for you to be my husband. That is, of course, if you would like it, too."

Webber looked to Bailey who gave him an encouraging smile. "Well, about damn time." Webber folded his arms and Catherine started to laugh. The two shared a kiss and the crowd started to cheer and applaud.

Owen wrapped his arm around me as a small band started to play. After so long, things were finally starting to look up.


"Now, wait, hang on." Meredith laughed as we sat in Alex's living room, "Alex hosted a Christmas party?"

Maggie took a sip of her beer. "Mm. Well, 'hosted' is a bit of an exaggeration, right?"

"Whatever." Alex grabbed a slice of pizza, "There was a tree."

I chuckled, "Yeah, there was a sad, sad tree. With lights strung halfway up."

Over the next few days, Meredith same back to work and things slowly started falling back into place. Everything was returning to how it was before Derek died. Everyone was home and where they belong...but most importantly, we were together.

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