73 | Perfect

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They say love knows no bounds. I don't know about that. I feel like I've seen the bounds and pushed them a couple of times. Love definitely has bounds. I've seen where it ends.

"It's raining."

I was standing in Meredith's house with curlers in my hair and butterflies in my stomach. I was getting married. Today was the day, and it was raining outside. Not even the light sort of drizzle that comes and then goes right after, leaving a beautiful shining sun behind. No, the sky was dark, the clouds were black, and it was pouring.

"Rain is supposed to be good luck." April placed a hand on my shoulder as she joined me beside the window.

I squinted my eyes a little more, trying to see the beauty that so many others saw in the rain, but I couldn't. "Nope." I shook my head. "I don't like rain. It makes me feel icky inside and I'm not supposed to feel icky on my wedding day."

"But it's your love day!" Maggie sing-songed as she trotted into the room with my dress in its protective cover. "It's a happy day! Be happy!"

"I am happy." I smiled as I turned away from the window. "I'm just saying I'd be happier if the sun were shining and I didn't have to worry about my makeup melting off on the way to my wedding."

Just then, the house suddenly became full of energy. My sister, Skylar, barged through the front door, dropping things everywhere as she attempted to keep everything dry while only having one arm to work with. As I went to help Skylar pick up her things, April bolted up the steps rambling on about how Owen had chosen her to bring the rings to the ceremony and how she didn't think she should be in charge of such an important thing when she had 'baby brain.' Meredith was chasing her kids around the house trying to get them dressed and Maggie had all of a sudden decided that she needed to start calling the venue and the caterers to make sure everything was still going as planned.

Taking a deep breath, I smiled at my sister whom I had not seen in months and pulled her in for a hug. "Look at you, still as clumsy as ever." I laughed. "Where's dad?"

"Oh, he had some last-minute things to do but he promised he will be at the venue well before your wedding starts," Skylar told me as she set down everything she had brought by the front door. "He just dropped me off and then headed out again. Gosh, I'm so happy for you! A little short notice and a little hectic, yes, but exciting nevertheless."

"Okay." I sighed. "God, I really wish mom was here."

Skylar's face fell as I said that. "I know she would have wanted to be here more than anything."

"Okay people, time to get this show on the road!" Maggie announced, ruining the sweet moment between my sister and I. "Let's get the vehicles loaded up and get this bride to her wedding. Come on people, look alive!"


An hour and a half later I was standing in the dressing room of the gorgeous stone building that we had chosen for our venue. I was in front of the mirror, wearing my dress, my makeup was done, my hair was up, and I had never felt so beautiful in my life. Deep down, a part of me wished that I could look like this forever.

Hearing the door creak open, I spun around to see my father entering the room. "Dad!" I smiled as he pulled me in for a hug. "I'm so glad you made it!"

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." my father told me as he took a step back and looked at me from head to toe. "Eleanor, my darling, you look breathtaking."

I felt my cheeks turn hot as I tried to hide my smile. "Dad, you haven't called me Eleanor in years. It's Ellie now. You know that."

"Right, sorry." he laughed. "Your mother would be so proud of you right now, you know that? She used to talk about this day all the time."

On Call | Grey's Anatomy // Book 3 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now