39 | The Sun's Gonna Rise Again

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Slipping on my dress, I did one last check in the mirror in the attendings' lounge before I was ready. Webber and Catherine's wedding was back on, which meant that I had somewhere I needed to be.

It had turned out to be a good day after all. Both Keith and his fiance had survived surgery and they were now parents to a beautiful baby boy. They were both in the I.C.U. at the moment, side by side.

Putting on my heels, I walked out of the lounge and towards the chapel in the hospital, which was where the wedding had been moved to. Making my way inside, I found Owen and sat down beside him. "You look stunning." he smiled.

"Thank you." I gave him a kiss, "But I didn't have time to take a shower or anything so I basically went from cutting a man out of a car to this."

"Still beautiful," he told me.

Once everyone had been seated in the small rows, the ceremony began. Jackson and Bailey held the doors open as everyone stood up. Taking a deep breath, Webber and Catherine walked down the aisle together and stopped in front of the priest.

"Richard, do you take Catherine to be your wife for as long as you both shall live?" the priest started.

"I do."

The priest smiled. "And, Catherine?"

"I do. I do, forever."

"Then by the power vested in me by the state of Washington, I now pronounce you husband and wife." the priest told them.

Webber and Catherine kissed before the priest even finished talking. The room erupted with applause and cheering.

The reception was held at Meredith's house, which was plenty big enough for the crowd. Meredith had told me that she was thinking of selling the house, and although I hated the idea, it was her decision to make.

Seeing Jackson sitting outside on the porch by himself, I snuck away from the party and joined him. "So...how do you feel about Webber being your new daddy-in-law?" I chuckled.

"Not...what I imagined," he answered, seeming a little off.

"Hey." I looked him in the eyes, "Is everything okay?"

Jackson exhaled sharply. "April and my's marriage is falling apart."

"Okay...wow." my eyes widened, "I was not expecting that. Are...are you okay?"

"Yeah...I mean, no." he sighed and headed for the house again, "I shouldn't have said anything...I just need a drink."

Watching him walk off, I stayed put for a few seconds. "Fair enough." I shrugged as I too walked back into the party. Spotting Owen, I made my way over to him next. Holding out my hand, I smiled. "Come dance with me."

"Gladly." he accepted the offer and we started dancing. "Did I tell you that I'm resigning as Chief?"

"No." I had to yell a little so he could hear me over the music, "When did you decide this?"

He was silent for a moment. "After I got back. Being out there again made me realize that sitting behind a desk all day isn't what I want."

"And what do you want?" I asked.

"You." he smiled, "I want an exciting job, great friends, and to spend every second that I can with you. Ellie Forrest...let's start our lives, together."

You can build a house out of anything, make it as strong as you want, but a home...a home is more fragile than that. A home is made of the people you fill it with. And people can be broken, sure. But any surgeon knows...what's broken can be mended. What's hurt can be healed. That no matter how dark it gets...the sun's gonna rise again. 

On Call | Grey's Anatomy // Book 3 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now